Chapter 11

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Oh my god.  Short chapter, again. The next chapter will be longer, I promise. George will be out of the hospital by then. Also, I don't mean to sound rude or cocky and I hope I'm not asking too much, but if you guys could maybe (if you don't mind) give this story a shoutout because it's about to start getting more intense and I just want enough people to be able to enjoy it. I'm sorry if that's asking to much, but yeahI'll shut up now. Enjoy!

sandy's p.o.v.

I cupped my hand over my mouth as a plethora of tears flowed from my eyes. Why was I crying? I was happy. No, I was angry. I turned my back to him, breathing slowly, as I heard him shifting in the hospital bed. "Sandy," George whispers from behind me. I ignored him, shaking my head. "Sandy," he repeated, grabbing my wrist, lightly. I yanked my arm away from him, finally turning to face him. "Don't you dare fucking touch me, George," I whispered through gritted teeth. I wiped my tears, as he chuckled. "What's funny?" I asked, glaring at him. "I know you don't mean that. You're angry and I get it," he explains, nodding.

"I'm gonna get a doctor..." I say, walking towards the door. "Sandra, I just woke from a coma and you're gonna walk away from me?" "Yeah. Yeah, I am because you're a jackass," I replied, sternly. "Why am I a jackass?" he asked, softly. I paused, trying to think of the reason I was so angry. "Everyone thought you were gonna die..." He nodded, sarcastically. "So, naturally, that makes me a jackass." I began to tear up again and I couldn't stop myself from walking over to George, where he embraced me tightly.

Tears ran down my face, again, as we hugged. "You scared the hell out of me," I whispered. "I know. I'm sorry," he says, kissing my cheek. I grabbed his chin, moving his visage to face me. "My lips are right here, George" He grins, knowing he finally broke my angry front, and teases me by brushing his lips lightly against mine. I put my hands on his cheeks, forcing him to kiss me.

He brushed a piece of hair behind my ear, as he kissed me. His lips were soft; warm, as if he had never been in a coma; and gave me a sense of protection. The kiss sent chills down my spine, though it made me feel nothing but warmth on the inside. He placed a hand on my hip, his tongue tracing the lining of my bottom lip, seeking entrance. He enticed me, so I allowed him entrance.

As our tongues intertwined, he placed both hands on the little bit of skin that was showing at the small of back. His touch made my skin tingle with excitement. He pulled me closer and I threw my arms around his neck, letting one hand drift to his hair.

The door clicked, signaling someone's entry into the room. I pulled away from George, quickly, clearing my throat and touching my lips lightly with my fingers.

"Oh, I'm sorry... W-we just noticed some brain activity and didn't realize he was awake..." I shook my head, smiling, "No, of course. I was just leaving, anyway." "George, now that you're awake, we have a few more tests to run..." As she kept talking, I was grabbing my things and getting ready to leave. "Sandy!" George called, interupting the nurse, as he noticed me trying to slip out of the room. I shook my head again, slowly. "I really should get going..." The nurse nodded, politely. "We'll let him get some rest after we finish testing, but you're welcome to come back as soon as visiting hours begin tomorrow," she told me sweetly. I nodded, throwing my bag over my shoulder and sliding out the door.

I didn't proof read this, so excuse the grammatical errors. By the way I was very uncomfortable writing that crazy kiss lmao idk why..

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