Chapter 6

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this chapter is boring sorry

sandy's p.o.v.

I made my way to bedroom and locked the door and I stripped and put on sweatpants and a tanktop. I walk to the bathroom where I remove all the makeup and tears from my face. I crawl into my bed and turn on the tv, putting my hair in a loose ponytail. I flip through the channels and see that an episode of "Friends" is on, so I stop there, ignoring the fact that there are guests downstairs and maybe a fight still going on. But, I didn't care. I just wanted to be alone and relax. I didn't care what was happening; I was shutting the world out. My phone buzzed, pulling me from my thoughts. It was a text from Gesine.

G: hey sis!

Me: Hey

G: Is now a good time to bring Louis back?

Me: Absolutely not. I want to see him but there is too much going on right now.

G: I'm calling you

In an instant, my phone was ringing. I didn't even look at; I knew it was Gesine. I didn't feel like talking. I turned up the volume on the tv and grabbed my hidden bag of chocolate from under the bed and popped a Snickers in my mouth. The phone finally stopped ringing and there was a knock on my bedroom door. I figured it was Julia or Ryan or Keanu and I didn't want to talk to them. "I don't wanna talk to you!" I said over the loud tv. "Sandy, honey, its Em." I put the tv on mute. "Come in." I heard her unlock the door with the key I had hidden outside my room. She opens the door and just stands there, giving me a sympathetic look. "Are you just gonna stand there or..." She shuts the door and locks it back. "Sorry...mind if I join?" I shrug and she gets in the bed with me, hugging me tightly in the process. "Want some?"I say picking up another Snickers, the putting it in my mouth when she shook her head 'no'. "Friends and chocolate, Sandy. That's your form of comfort? Talk to me, babe." 

I wanted to. I wanted to be able to talk to her but I couldn't. I couldn't talk at all. I could barely breathe. I didn't know what to do. Keanu was probably so confused. I was so confused. I didn't expect that Ryan would do anything crazy like that. I cant imagine what Keanu was thinking.

"Okay, Sandy, breathe!" Emma says, jerking me from my thoughts. "Take a deep breath." I did. "If you're not ready to talk, that's okay, but you know I'm here..." I nodded. "I just want to sleep." "So sleep", she tells me. "But it's only like..." She cuts me off. "Sandy, sleep." is the last thing I can remember her saying.

ryan's p.o.v.

Shit. I really screwed up. I made a fool out of myself and Sandra will probably never want to speak to me again. And I can totally understand that. I don't deserve for her to talk to me. I can't believe I did that to her. But sitting around won't help anything. Even though it was about two in the morning I decided to call her. The phone was ringing and I thought about what Keanu must be thinking. He probably has suspicions about Sandy and I, now. She must be so upset. She'll never forgive me. The phone stopped ringing, but there was no sound on the other end of the phone. "Sandy..." I said, quietly. "Reynolds", she replied softly. "I'm sorry if I woke you." She cleared her throat. "You didn't." I sighed. She didn't want to talk to me. I could tell by how short her sentences were. "Look, Sandy, I know how upset you must be and I just want you to know how extremely sorry I am." There was silence on the other end of the phone and all I could hear was a sniffle as if she was crying. She never cried, unless she was alone. She never let anyone see when she was hurting. "Sandy, I'm rea-", I started before she cut me off. "Ryan, it's late. I should get some sleep...and you should too", she said softly. "Okay, yeah, goodnight." She hung up before I could even get that out.

sandy's p.o.v

Why was I crying? It wasn't even worth it. It was getting hot, so I decided to go downstairs for a drink of water. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I almost fell backwards as I saw a shadow on my couch. I quickly turned the light on and saw that it was George. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you", he said as he followed me into the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and poured some water from the pitcher into the glass. I sat on the counter near the refrigerator, crossing my ankles. I gulped down about 3/4 of the water and said, "It's fine. Why are you still here?" "I cleaned up and everything and didn't feel like driving home. Plus, I figured that you had gone to sleep early and you would probably wake in the middle of the night. I needed alone time with you." "Oh yeah?", I said, knowing this wasn't right, but tonight I didn't really care. I needed this. He nodded and came close to me, so close that I could feel the heat from his body. I put my lips close to his ear, so that they barely touched it. "Now, show me a good time." With that, he lifted me off the counter and carried me to the couch, where the rest of the night ended in a blur.

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