Chapter 5

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April 1st, 2014

Dear James,

It’s April Fool’s! aha man I’ve been pulling pranks all day. I’ve been having a blast and even me mates seem to be enjoying my jokes! I’ve done so many things to them too.

Zayn was my first victim.

I finished a bowl of me lucky charms and cut off the half the box vertically. I then blew up a balloon and taped it inside of the box. I then proceeded to frost over it with vanilla frosting and sprinkled it. I asked him to come so he could cut the cake, which he thought was weird, but obliged anyway. When that balloon popped, he screamed like a little girl! Ohmygod I was on me floor in laughter while he just flipped me off and walked away. That was the best morning ever.

My next victim was unintentionally Liam.

We’re all staying together do to the fact that we’re rehearsing for tour again so I went to Harry’s bathroom with a picture of some random hispanic guy that Josie sent to me in one of her many dumb reaction photos. I taped it on the inside of the toilet underneath the seat and put the lid down. I then waited for Harry to need to use the bathroom which never came. I was so close to giving up until Liam knocked on the door, asking to use the loo ‘cos his had bad plumbing. Before I knew it, he came out asking about some bloke in the toilet, his willy hanging out still since he was in such a hurry to get out of there. He was so embarrassed once he noticed too and quickly did his pants up again. Harry and I were rolling on the floor once I told him about his prank. He rolled his eyes and discarded the picture and finally taking his wee. .

Louis was unintentionally the next victim, along with a few others.

We were in the break room after rehearsals and I told them all about how I bought us a new toaster and that it was voice activated. Zayn, Liam, and Harry all knew better due to my pranking from earlier this morning, but Louis had no clue along with the others. So, he sat there for about ten minutes trying to get the damn toaster to work by yelling at it. Eventually, others came over asking for a try to get it to work, like Tom and Paul, Sam even. I was trying so hard to not laugh until Zayn went over them and removed the damn sign and showed them that it was normal, making me confess to my prank. After which, Louis chased me throughout the building, threatening to kill me and calling me a cunt. His mouth is so bad, not that I can judge.

Lastly, it was Harry’s turn.

A few hours ago the night came around and we all had just got done eating, forgetting about my earlier pranks. I knew this was me perfect opportunity. I pulled out a pack of gum, offering a piece to everyone in which they all declined except for Harry. Poor lad. He undid a piece and popped it into his mouth without question. If only he knew that the night before I got guacamole and spiked it with super hot sauce before molding it into gum pieces. It wasn’t easy, believe me. I had to freeze it over night and it was just starting to thaw out so it was the perfect time. Once Harry had bitten into it, his face distorted into discuss. He didn’t even spit it out, trying to be nice as he ran around looking for water. The lads were trying hard to hold back their laughter as well, happy he finally got pranked. I was a bit too even though I’m still expecting them to prank me back. I apologized to all of them still, but I need to keep my guard up.

Then I went after Josie, making a difficult decision. I didn’t realize that it was no longer April Fool’s in her country. They’re an hour ahead of us which isn’t too bad. She forgot though and I’ve been drinking and am tired so I thought it’d be funny to tell her that I’m Liam as a prank in which she laughed about, calling me a liar. After a bit I confessed that I wasn’t and I accidentally told her that I was Niall, or me.

She didn’t believe me on that one either.

So, being me drunken self, I threw a little bit of a fight and requested her facetime so I could prove it. She was really hesitant, thinking I was some fucking creeper at first, but eventually caved in and gave it to me. That’s when I saw her for the first time throughout our entire friendship and she saw me. We’re known each other for a little over a month and were just figuring each other out truly.

She started crying once she figured out that it was me. Can you blame her though? I’m kind of her idol who she’s unknowingly spilt her guts to the entire time. I’d be a bit shocked too if I was in her position, spilling my guts out to some lass on the internet and it turned out to be Beyoncé or some shit.

At this point in time, Josie required me to tell her everything face to face with no lying and so I did. I told her about my loneliness and about my plan to date some fan. She listened to my every word, actually listened and loved every second of it. I got even more excited when she approved of my plan. She liked the idea that I’m wanting to date a fan and not some model like Barbara like everyone thinks I am. She’s honestly just a good mate of mine along with a few other lasses. I mean, yeah, we occasionally make-out, but there’s no feelings or any emotional bondage that comes between us. I want that with someone. I want a legit relationship, not just some random fuck buddy. That’d be so nice.

And I’m starting to think I found someone. I told Josie about how I’m interested in this chick from America and she asked for all of these details which just made me laugh. I told her another time ‘cos I was tired and almost positive that she was too. She nodded and let me be as we wished each other good night, saying our usual friendly “I love yous.” She always thought it was weird, but it’s sort of a habit for me now.

Now I’m here writing in here and messaging that lass from America that I mentioned to Josie. We’ve been talking for a little bit now and she’s really nice, such a lovely person and she understands what I’m going through. She has that same aching loneliness and that helped to bond us, that and the fact that she knows that I’m a bloke. Plus she likes all of the same things that I do, such as derby and music and food. It’s amazing. I don’t know, I’m kind of making it really obvious too that I fancy her, but I don’t think that she’s getting the message. I’ll just have to try harder at this point. It’s all I can do.

I can’t even explain the amount of relief that has been placed on my shoulders. Josie knows everything now so there’s no secrets between us. I’m finally getting close to a lass, although she isn’t the only one, but I think she may be the one. I can’t tell this early on. I don’t want to get my hopes up either. Then me mates and I are getting on a lot better ‘cos I’m not bothering them all as much anymore. I tend to bother Josie a lot more and they like that. I’m almost positive she doesn’t mind too, especially now that she knows who I am. Plus, she promised to not give out any of me information so I don’t have to worry about me crazed fans and how they would blow up me phone and stuff. That’d be shit. It’s happened to both Ashton and Michael. I felt so bad for them ‘cos they went through hell.

I love them to death and they’re the best fans in the world, but there’s not a single way in hell that I would allow them to have me contact information. That would be hectic and fucking chaotic. Basically the worst thing to ever happen to me.

I’m so glad that it won’t though because I trust Josie. I’m actually surprised by how much I trust her. It’s weird. And then she trusts me back almost equally as much ‘cos she still talks to me about Trent and keeps telling me about her life as long as I promise to not tell the other lads, which I’ve already failed at, but I told her that I would from now on. I kind of see where she’s coming from though about not wanting to tell the others about her problems. She has a fucking instagram page dedicated to us and our brothers from 5 seconds of summer and she accidentally just complained to one of those people about all of her problems. I would be mortified.

I really hope things stay the same tomorrow and just keep getting better. I don’t know why, but I feel like they will.

I’m about to pass out which is good although I should take a pill so I don’t have a horrid hangover tomorrow. Ah who cares. Life is too good to worry about it right now. Have a nice night Mr. James. Haha.


A/N: I think I’m going to make this a short story so it’s going to be a little fast paced. Sorry about that.

Please comment and stuff for faster updates. It gives me motivation lol

Alex xx

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