The End

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Author's Note:

It's Alex here. I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading my book if you did. I understand that it wasn't the easiest thing to read. I had so many plans for this book and at first I was such a perfectionist about it that I almost never updated. I just wanted every sentence to be perfect, but I would get so frustrated that I would just write a shitty update and for that I apologize.

I hope to one day in the future when I have spare time, rewrite this book in so much more better details. This book deserved that and I really do hope to give it that later on. I made everything so jumpy and I feel so bad. I was just in a stump in all of this.

It's hard to describe love, ya know?

Love is something that you feel, not really a describable feeling at that either. It's difficult. I had a hard time with the thought processes too. Again, I will definitely look into rewriting this story like I've done with a few of my others.

I hope you enjoyed this little short story. If you did, you should check out some of my other ones(some that are so much better than this one) and perhaps give me a follow. It would mean a lot to me if you could vote too.

I just want to say that I love you guys too. Thanks again for reading.

Alex xx

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