Chapter 15

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July 7th, 2014

Dear James,

Well, landing was hell.

I was greeted by a very angry Josie. She doesn't like to judge people based on what they do, but that doesn't mean she agreed with what I did.

I broke her best friend's heart without even knowing it.

I was so dumb and naïve. How could I just leave Elizabeth and truly not expect her to hate me? Of course she hates me. She was dating her idol and then I went and picked some other lass over her.

So, I'm sat up here in me room, debating on to of how I am going to get her back. It's a complicated process as to of what I'm going to do. Should I sing her a song? Should I write her a love letter? Should a bring her a bouquet of roses? Should I buy her a box of her favorite candies? Should I rent out Disneyland for a day and confess me love to her? Should I get us tickets to a cruise? Should I make love to her in the moonlight to prove me love? Should I buy her a dog? Should I give her a shoutout at one of my concerts?

Why does love have to be so complicated?

I know that I have complained about this before, but why is it so difficult? Why can't we just accept the affections that a significant other gives you and stick to that one person? Why do other people have to come in and fuck with feelings? Why do we have to be so picky about what we want? It's not like looks are going to matter when you grow old. You just need to learn to be more tolerable of things and you could be happy.

Who doesn't want a happy ending?

I don't know what I'm going to do if Elizabeth doesn't take me back. I don't think I could bare writing in here again. I don't want to have a reminder of the memories. I don't want to relive all of the painful things in here anymore. I could get a new journal or something, but I believe that this may be my last entry. Either way, I'm not going to have a reason to write in here anymore.

I really hope that she takes me back. How the hell am I supposed to live with meself if I don't? I would have somehow fucked up two too many relationships in me life and that's not okay with me. How could that ever be okay?

I have managed to lead two of the most amazing women in the world on and break both of their hearts in the span of two weeks. Who the hell does that? I never thought that I would be that person. I always had higher hopes for meself, but they have all been lies.

What am I going to do to get her back?

I will go to the ends of the world to get Elizabeth back. I'll take her to every country and visit every monument with her. Only then would I go to the top of that monument and scream my love for her. I want the whole world to know that she is the one for me. Nobody else can do it. She is the peanut butter to me jelly, the chocolate to me strawberry, and the sauce to me chicken. She's the salt to me ocean, she's the dirt to me earth, she's the scent of happiness to me home. She's me everything. How did I ever let her go?


I really need to get thinking again. I want to do anything and everything for her. I just hope that she's willing to accept me. Let's see, shall we. All I know is that me life is about to get a ton crazier, so goodbye for the last time.

Niall xx


A/N: okay I get that this sucked, but I wanted to have the revealing of whether Elizabeth took him back done differently. Yes, there is one more chapter. Thanks so much for reading you guys. I love you all.

Alex xx

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