chapter 3: Japan

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Yuuri's pov.

I ran to Pichit and knocked. Once he opened the door I didn't hesitate to hug him.

"Whats up?" He asks rubbing my back. I sniff a few times before I look up at him. "Who do I need to kill this time!" His voice deepens a little and he is visually pissed. I choke on my words not able to get them out. I point to the door and say "V-Victor a-an..d"

I hide my face in my hands and he hugs him. I didn't need to say anything more. He knew what I meant. He tries to sooth me but ends up staying up all night hugging and comforting me.

The next morning I wake up saying agents the wall. Feeling sick to my stomach I run to the bathroom. I look around trying to find Pichit but can't. I sit and wait for him to come back. The room was big, one of the perks of being so famous is that you get great views and people love you.

As I walk out to the balcony I close my eyes hoping for a moment if peace. But it didn't happen. I hear yelling from below and lean over to look. My eyes widen as I see Pichit yelling at victor as Chris is holding Pichit by his shirt. I can't make out what they are saying but i do hear "traitor" "love" and my name. The screaming seems to escalate when Yurio steps in.

I feel a pain in my stomach. Is this my fault? I broke victors heart and now they are fighting. I go to my room and start packing my stuff. as i'm looking for my japan jacket i see something else on it and i made me sick and want to cry. I shakily move Chris's undergarments from my jacket and toss them somewhere in the room. I take one last look around the room as I head down to the lobby to. Once i sign out head out the doors. Pichit,Chris and Victor all see me with my bags. my eyes water at the sight of the two of them together and aggressively handling my friend.

"Yuuri? where are you going?" Victor asks eyeing my luggage. I don't answer and stroll by him. he roughly grabs my hand and looks at me. "Yuuri did you hear me? where are you going?" Victors voice is louder this time and it scares me. I worryingly look back at him and he lets go. "I'm leaving" I say with a plain voice, "where?" he asks. "home. i'm going back to japan" my voice is tired and broken just like my heart. "let him go victor, i'm sure things will be ok" Chris says placing a hand on my shoulder. he had already taken the man i loved away from me so he doesn't get to apologies like that and expect every thing to be ok. i place my hand on his and punch Chris as hard as i can, causing him to stumble back holding his nose. "Yuuri?!?" victor rushes to Chris's side to make sure he was ok. i give victor one last glance before i start walking again. i can feel their stare at the back of my head but i keep walking.

once i'm on the plane i fall asleep and just wish to never wake up. my hand rests on my stomach and my hand moves in to my pocket and takes out the red velvet box that contained the ring i was gonna give to victor. a few tears leave my eyes and i look at the promise ring. i take a deep breath and slide it off my finger and place it in my bag. we land in Hatsetsu and i walk to the familiar hot-springs inn that i call home.


hey guys. sry for the late update. if i can 'm gonna try to update this story one a week or at least every other week. i'm gonna be looking for a job soon so i can start making some money and this will b my first job. so ill update as soon as i can sry if they are slow

what if? [A Yuri On Ice Fanfiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora