chapter 5: forgiveness for the child

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yuuri's pov

when I was done putting my stuff away my phone dings. I look over and see Victors contact show. I feel a lump in my throat. "dose he know somehow?" the call ends and he calls again. I take a deep breath and press answer. 

"hey" my voice is quite and quivers a little. "why is there a pregnancy test in the bathroom?" victors voice is fierce and he is not playing around. "I-I-I uh" he cuts me off before i can give him a real answer. "were you cheating on me? or was this a prank set up by pichit, because is not funny". I flinch at is voice and my eyes well up."well? Yuuri? why aren't you answering?". I shake scared to answer him. "hello? yuuri?". "do you really think I'm that cruel?" my voice weak. "what?"

"answer me!" I snap. I'm crying now. "of course not" his voice is soft and hes trying to comfort me but I don't believe him. "I-I do't believe you... I can't believe you". "yuuri just answer my question...why is there a positive pregnancy test in the bathroom?". 

"connect the dots victor. we spent a night together and wake up the next morning with no clothes. besides we were drunk"

"I wasn't" I freeze. "what do you mean?"

 "I mean I wasn't drunk. you threw your self at me-" 

"and you didn't stop me?! you didn't push me away?! I'm pregnant with your child because you couldn't say no to a drunk man throwing them self at you!"

"Yuuri please listen"

 "I'm done listening victor. never call this number again. your not allowed near this child" with my final words I hung up.

that was the last time I had talked with victor for 3 years. I gave birth to two baby girls. one with black hair, blue eyes and glasses named Luna. Then there's my  other daughter with white hair and grey eyes named Yuna. My mom helped raise them and now they are healthy and 2 years old. 

"Dad! dad! dad! there's a spider in the bathroom!!!" luna comes out screaming. "luna shh yuna is sleeping" I hold the small girl to my chest as she clings to my leg butt naked. I sigh "at least put some clothes on luna. I'll give the bathroom a look". "are you calling me a lire?". "do you remember Christmas?". ".......fine". I smile and watch the little girl waddle away to what use to be mari's old room.  I look down at Yuna sleeping peacefully in my arms. her eyes are closed and her mouth was a little open and she gripped my blue shirt tightly.

"yuuri there is someone here to see you" my mom comes running into the room. "oh you watch the girls?" I ask handing Yuna to her. "sure. now go". I walk out and see someone in a long dark brown coat and a grey scarf. "hi.....Yuuri". "Victor?!!??!?!" he smiles and gives a sweet wave.

I panicked and slam the door in his face. I lean with my back agents the door and clutch my shirt over my heart. my chest was pounding and I look through the peep hole to see a confused victor. "um...Yuuri?". I quickly open the door and pull him a few feet from the door so we can more alone time. it was awkward. "why are you here?!?" I whisper yell. "too see you. I want another chance. I still love you". those words I've been waiting to hear were finally said, but it felt wrong yet so right. "why?" I look down at my feet and fiddle with the hem of my shirt. "because I just do. being with Chris was a mistake and we broke up. I tried calling you and it sent me to voice mail. I still love you". his hand genteelly grabs mine. "please give me one more chance." I stop him mid sentence. "how did you get here?.....Chris wouldn't pay for a ticket and your dad wouldn't have the money. nether would you". I start getting suspicious of him and how he got here. "yuuri come bring Victor inside its almost winter. 

I look at my mom and that was it. she gives me an apologetic smile and I sigh. "fine lets go inside". I walk in and victor follows looking around like its his first time in there for a long time, 2 years isn't long.....right? we it at the kitchen table and my mom sets out a plate of snacks. I look at my mom and then at victor. "mom....why did you give the money for a ticket?" I poke the cookie in front of me as if I wanted it to move. "he deserves to see his kids". her voice soft. "there not his. I told him he wasn't allowed to be near them for a reason. they are mine and mine alone" my voice was bitter and sharp and my mom's some how managed to smooth it out. "yuuri you are one of their parents and you and I both know that they ask to see their other father. they all deserve to meet each other" my mom look's me in the eyes as she speaks as victor awkwardly sits there sipping tea my mom put out. 

I sigh in defeat and stand. "fine.....I'll be back". I leave to Mari's room and come back with Yuna in my arms and Luna behind me clinging to my legs. "dad what was so important that you had to pull me away from the GPF scores? I need to know if Yura or JJ won". "we can look up the scores later but there is someone I wanted you to meet".Luna looks up at victor then at me then back at victor. "is he real or a cardboard cut out? ether way I'm still happy". victor chuckles and Luna almost fainted. "I see that shes a fan". "OMG!" was I herd before a thud and my daughter was passed out on the floor. 

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