chapter 6: Date?

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Yuuri"s pov.

I try not to scream when I see the fact that my child, Victors #1 fan besides me, has passed out on the floor. "Luna!!!" my mom picks her up and places her on the couch.

"My bad" I glance at victor and there was an awkward silence between us for a good 20 minutes. "so.....Why are you here" I stare into my cup as Luna is "a sleep" in my lap. "I want a second chance yuuri. I understand that you are mad but your not innocent in this matter ether." I freeze and look at him. Is he serious? "what do you mean I'm not innocent you-"

"I know what I did yuuri, you don't need to remind me. but I have been away for 3 of my children's years now.....I'll never get that back. I'm sorry I got mad but you never told me you were pregnant and I don't even know how that is possible. I have apologized but you shut me out of this family. I think that I deserve an explanation." I stay quite and fiddle nervously. " I'm sorry.....but.....I-I don't know how to explain it" I look up at home sitting patiently. "I can wait". I sigh and sit down.

"I was born differently. I wasn't properly developed and was born with both girl and guy reproductive organs. I can have children I just can't breast feed them." I fiddle with my fingers and Victor tries to figure out everything on his own, even though I told him and explained everything.

"so you can-"

"have kids? yes. both of the children here are mine"

"you mean ours"

"there not your kids"

"I did half the work and helped make them so I should get half the credit"

I stay silent for a while. "fine then supervised visits". "that's not enough time. Besides who's gonna supervise me, Chris?" I look up at him and I guess because Victor quickly changed his words. "Ok ok ok ok bad example".

"ya no kidding" I look down at Luna and smile.

"she has your eye's" Victor smiles at her. "shes my perfect little daughter". "our"

she looks up at him. Her blue eyes and jet black hair suited her perfectly. she looks between Victor and I then closes her eyes. I rest my hand on her chest and can feel her heart pounding through her chest. I smile at her. "she reminds me a lot of you. total fan boy and shy" Victor says and gently pets Luna's head. "ya.....she does". luna smiles with her eyes closed and soon sit up facing me and hugs me. I gently rub her back and I see Victor smile out of the corner of my eye.

"why are you so smiley?"I ask and Luna shyly looks at him. "give me a chance. Lets be a real family" he looks at me with  sincere smile. " how would we do that" 

as if on que Luna look up at me an says. "date".

"there is our awnser" Victor pipes up. 

"your listening to a 3 year old?!?"

"do you have any other ideas"

"but victor who will watch the kids"



I sigh. "ok fine I lost the battle-"

"and the war" Luna speaks.

"how have I lost both the battle and the war?"

"because you agreed to the date and you still love him......don't you?"

I look at victor and then Luna. "I do but-"

"then its settled! you will be going out on a date this this fine looking man that claims he is my other father"

"I am you your father"

"Ok ok ok ok I get it. We will have 1 dinner, 1 that's all."

"that's all I need"

A few hours later brought to you with a fainted fan girl

"dad you look perfect now the finishing touch" Luna hands me a bright blue rose and I slip it into my pocket. 

I walk out into the living room. "No glasses?" my mom says. "I can't find them". my mom hands them to me with a smile. "my baby's all grown up". I smile not even bothering with telling her to stop. "HI Yuuri!" I turn around and see victor in a beautiful grey dress shirt and and black pants. "you look nice" the blush on my face deepens and I try looking away from him. I myself was wearing a baby blue top with a coat on and black jeans. "Shall we go?"

I fidget and look at my mom. she gives me a thumbs up and so dose Luna. I sigh. "Sure"

the date was a lot more fun then what I thought I was gonna get. Victor and I shared stories and we laughed. "I missed this".  I say as I take one lat sip of my water. "Me too". we share a moment of silence and look at each other with a look I haven't given anyone since I had Yuna and Luna. Victor clears his throat and we quickly advert out gaze from each other to some where else in the room. 

"Fancy seeing you here"

I freeze and look up too see Chris standing behind Victor with a fake smile. his smile said 'friend' but his voice and body language said 'I dare you to touch him'. "H-h-hi Chris"

he looks at me like I had stolen something from him. "mind f I join you?". I go to stand and speak but victor beats me to it. "sorry but no.  Yuuri and I were just about to go". he looks at me and slowly grabs my hand from under the table. I shakily squeeze his hand a little and nod. "Really? why so soon?" Chris asks trying to corner us. "headache" I say quickly. Victor lets out a breath of relief. "do you want a ride home?". Victor looks to me for an answer and I slightly shake my head no. "No thanks". 

Chris struggles to find another question to stall us but fails miserably. "ok well. I'll see you around...I guess". "ya" Victor stand and I quickly follow. Chris grabs my arm as I walk pass him and keeps me from moving. "This is your fault. He was suppose to be mine. I'll make you and your sad excuse for children" I am on the verg of tears and Chris stumbles back. Victor pulls me closer and I hug him. Victors hand is balled up into a fist and had blood on his knuckles. 

"Never insult my family like that ever again. and yours? you sound more like a possessive fan girl then a grown man that dose figure skating." Victor, the man I rejected and shut out of my life is protecting me. Chris holds his jaw in pain. "uum victor. people are looking at us."

"we are leaving" Victor announces drawing more attention then before. he grabs my hand and we leave together. we reach the house and he turns to me. "I'm sorry about how things turned out"

"Its ok"

victor and I share a moment of silence and he leans in. we kiss slowly and it felt so right but...what if................ 


hey in trying to update more and this is close t the end. this book is gonna be at least 10 chapters maybe 12 but i'll have to see if i can make t go for that long.

what if? [A Yuri On Ice Fanfiction]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu