Final chapter: the festival

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"yuuri dose my butt look big?"

I turn to see Victor with a dark blue kimono with light blue flowers on it with a light blue strip on the sleeves and the seems. he had a red ribbon tied around his waist  and a goofy smile the whole time he tried to put it on. 

"you look great!" I beam. this will be my first time going to one of these with victor and the girls. it will be our first real time in public as a family. Its hard to tell how people feel about us, its not like people hate us because we are gay but its not like they love us too. 

Luna waddles out in a purple kimono with pink stripes on the seems with little blue butterfly's and a pink ribbon, where as Yuna has a orange kimono with yellow dragons and a red ribbon. Victor dose up Luna's ribbon and my mom come's in and fan-girls.

"AWWWWE! look at my boy your so hansom!!!!"

"MoooooooooM!" I complain as Yuna covers her mouth slightly and giggles and Luna sigh's and lets out a "And there's grandma"

Mom smiles and picks her up and rubs their noses together.

"and I'm the best and only one your gonna get!"

"Um mom what about Victor's mom?"

"My mom's a Homophobic bitch and my dad is gay and married with a happy man named John, so ya she's the best and only grandma but they will have 3 grand fathers"

Yuna claps quietly and Luna looks at me and asks "Dose 'gay' run in the family or something?"

victor spits out the drink he was taking a sip of and coughs where as I and standing there shocked to what she had said.

"what do you mean?" I ask in a very unsure voice.

"your gay and so are our future grandparents....... dose this mean that Luna or I will be gay?"

I stumble for an answer and look to victor for help but he just shrugs his shoulders. mean while Yuna is thinking intently and Luna is tapping her foot waiting for an answer.



"no what? no you wont answer? no she won't be gay? no there wont be a zombie apocalypse? no what? and also what did she mean by 'future grand parents?" Victor rambles.

I put my hand over his mouth to get him to stop talking and then speak.

"no as in no you won't be gay.....I think-"


"that's not important"

"it is too me!"

"hey look a butterfly"

they whole room is filled with us talking and i was giving all of us a head ache. Yuna claps her hands very loudly and tries to speak.

"Yo awr laud. can we gu naw?" (you are loud. can we go now?)

I smile and nod in agreement. "that's a great idea." Yuna smiles and holds my hand and we start walking to the festival. 

SKIPPPPPPPPP to the festival

the side walks ad streets were filled with venders and the air smelled sweet of sugar. red lanterns glow and hang on strings hanging above every ones heads. different booths sold food and masks and others had games set up. they all soon formed a circle in the center if a park around a huge cherry tree in full bloom. the lights shine in victor's eyes making him look a lot more happy then before. Luna smiles and rambles about what she sees in the surrounding area and Yuna  fidgets and hides behind me and victor and he pets her head. 

victor looks at me and we walk around together and in hand to make sure we don't get separated.

"daddy daddy daddy!" Luna tugs on my sleeve and points at a man selling mochi. I smile and buy some for all of us and got a small bag with a few.


I whip my head around hella fast and see Pichit waving with  big smile as Yurio and Otabek are chatting walking behind him. 

"hi Pichit" I say with a smile. Luna waves and Yuna still behind me gives a shy wave. "are you too-"

"yes" victor answers before me.

"your you getting married?"





"LANGUAGE! there are children here!"

as if it was on que Victor and I cover Luna and Yuna's ears and Otabek covers Yuaio's.

Pichit laughs and so dose everyone else. for the rest of the night we walk around together. Victor and I bought the girls some masks and Yuna carried around a Hamster Plushie that Pichit had given to her.

"Attention all Guests, we will be having the firework show starting in 20 minutes."

I smile at the thought of seeing the fireworks.

I feel a tug on my arm and look down at yuna who is mumbling victors name and pointing to the direction of where he was. I look all over call out his name.




still nothing.

I hear Luna's voice and see her running over to me with tears in her eyes.

"whats wrong?"

she points and I look to see victor talking with Chris. I start walking toward them and Chris seems to notice because he grabs victor by the face and leans in to kiss him. I turn around and hear a loud smack. I turn and see Chris with a red hand print on his face and victor with a surprised face and pichit standing in between them holding his hand in pain.

"Not again! your not doing this to yuuri again! if you do then I'll cut off your dick and feed it to my hamsters"

Chris backs off and has an argument with Pichit ad Victor walks over to me.

"Yuuri -"

I put my hand up and he stops talking.


before i can finish what I say victor yanks me towards him and we kiss. I close my eyes and we stay like this for a while. a few people look at us and smile while others walk past us with a discussed look. victor pulls and my face is flushed.

"I'm sorr-"

it was my turn to cut him off and I kiss him. Luna hugs my leg and Yuna hugs victor from behind. over the speakers we hear the man sat that the fireworks were gonna go off soon. we all walk to the top of a hill and Pichit lets us sit on a blanket that he brought. Luna lays her head on my shoulder and yuna sits in my lap chewing on some mochi. I smile and gently put my fingers through her hair and victor lays his head on mine. fireworks go off above us and the sky all the way to the horizon was filled with colors like red,blue,pink,white and many more. 

"I love you yuuri"

I smile at the words and feel my heart slowly beat faster. I look up at him and we share a sweet moment of passion. the lights in the sky slowly fades and I smile.

what if.........what if every thing happened for this moment. for us to have this one moment together? what if this man has really and truly stolen my heart.



this is the final chapter for this story. I may make a one shot book for different anime but idk yet. until then i will be taking a break in writing.

~stay gold!

what if? [A Yuri On Ice Fanfiction]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora