Chapter 7: Dad's

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Yuuri's Pov.

When we make it home Victor and I kissed and It felt so right. "I love you". I don't answer him but I nuzzle into him. he smiles and we walk inside together. "well I'm gonna sleep on the couch.....If you don't want me in your room with you". I think or a while and get interrupted by a small child.


I jump and see Luna standing in the door way with her arms crossed. "you go out on a date, Kiss and you won't let him sleep with you?!"  

"Luna I-"

"LISTEN TO ME!!!!.... don't you love him?"


"Then sleep with him!!!"

"what way?" Victor jokes. I turn into a bright red and I hit his arm lightly. "Ok I'll sleep with him, in the same bed, with clothes, in he same room" Victor smiles and hugs me. I hesitantly hug back and Luna smiles like a goof. 

I wander to my room and sit on my bed. as victor is getting ready in the bathroom, I pullout the drawer of my side bed table and place it on my bed. I pick throw everything looking for some sign of my past. I take out the makka tissue box, a blue fake rose, a small victor plush, my contacts, my bronze medals and a few silver. I stare into the mostly empty drawer at a red velvet small box. I open it up to see the promise ring victor gave to me a long time ago. 

"You still have that?"

Victor sits beside me  and looks at everything on my bed. "don't you still have your ring?". Victor holds up his hand and the golden ring shines in the light. "I haven't taken it off since you left"


victor holds my hand and smiles. "because I still loved you. I never stopped loving you"

"then.....why did you kiss-"

"because I was mad. when you said you wanted to end things I wasn't thinking that you were gonna confess let alone tell me you were pregnant... I shouldn't have freaked out on you like that"

"Then....why......why did you kiss Chris?"

Victor stays quite for a while and responds with an "I don't know"

I didn't know what to say after that. I sigh and put everything away. "Are you going to come back to skating?"

"I don't know.........I......we have 2 kids and we don't have the money to get them and us to the GPF"

Victor pulls out his phone and shows me his savings. "I'll have enough for all 4 of us, a big wedding and a new house" I smile and hug him. Are we really gonna do it?

"Do what?"

Luna walks out feeding yuna. "I told you I use to be a skater right luna?".

 "ya and your the best!!"

"well I was thinking maybe I would start skating again"

Luna must have been very happy because she almost dropped Yuna causing her to cry. Victor takes Yuna from Luna and and holds her closer and she soon stops crying.

"you really might start skating again!?"

I nod.

"this is great! we will get t see all around the world! oh oh oh and we will get to see uncle Pichit and eat hot pot!"

"Mmmmmmm hot pot" Victor whispers to him self and I smile.

"lets get you to work then because my daddy will be the best there is!"

over next few months Victor coached me again and again non-stop. it felt like old times, it was nice. Luna was given her first skates and yuna finally learned to walk over the months, but she still can't talk that well.  Luna seems to be more and more obsessed with victor each day. its almost like she doesn't see him as a father. well I guess we are in the same boat with that. I'm still not comfortable with calling victor my husband, not because we aren't married although that dose play a part. but its also because we haven't even dated before. we had dinner once but Chris kinda ruined that.

I'm not saying I don't love victor but , as well as every one else  are having a hard time welcoming him into the family. Pichit was not happy when I told him I wanted to give victor another chance. I guess he still thinks Victor is the man he was before. 

"dad I need help" Luna says kicking her feet with untied skates. Victor and I both grab her skates and awkwardly look at each other. Luna giggles and and points at me. "Papa can you help me"

I look at victor and his small smile dissapears and he walks to another bench and ties his own skates. "Luna I have a question for you"


"do you hate your other dad?"

Luna thinks for a little as she glances and victor and then me.

"I don't hate of love him"


she thinks again. "because I don't know him well enough to hate him as a person or love him as a father. he hasn't been apart of our lives"

"what if he was?"

"you mean having 2 dad's?"


Luna pauses. "I've never really thought about it. having to dad's.............but... won't people make fun of me?"

I pick up one of her feet and tie her skates as I talk. "maybe but it's something that people have different opinions on"

"on what?"

"boy's being married or dating other boys and girl's dating other girl's"

"what about boy's and girl's being together?"

"that's normal. most boy's get together with girl's"

"then why aren't you with a girl?"

"I like them and I'll date them but I'm with your dad instead"

Luna gives me a confused face and shrugs it off.

"yuuri lets go we need to start practice soon"

I nod and finish doing up Luna's skates and then help Yuna with hers. Holding the girls hands I help them to the rink and find victor concentrated with his eyes closed. I see a CD in the player and press play, curious as to what song was gonna play. When I press it my eyes move to victor moving slowly and gracefully on the ice. He belonged there.....we both did.

A familiar tune starts and I hum the beat to on love: eros. Victor moves on the ice to the music as if it was meant for him. I glance at yuna who is watching in awe even tho she can't hear the music. she attempts to mimic his movements on land and almost falls forgetting shes not yet on the ice. Luna watches with her arms crossed.almost like shes mad at him.

victor stops and turns to me and holds his hand out to me. I take it as we glide on the pale blue surface and make a pair skate on the spot. Victor tuns to me and smiles. "yuuri will you do a pair skate with me?"


this is coming to an end soon. I will have about 1 maybe 2 more chapters. if i can streach it out to 10 chapters i will but i'm a litle lost for plot now. but until then

~stay gold~

what if? [A Yuri On Ice Fanfiction]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon