chapter 4: a mothers love

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yuuri's pov.

i take a deep breath. i really didn't want to go in. because going in meant that i will probably never see victor again. but if i don't going then they will never know about their beloved son that didn't tell his lover. i stand at the doors and take one last look around. it was mid summer and the trees where a bright pink with a blue ocean. I look at the fount door then back the way i came. the promise ring i took off is rolling around in my hand. i'm scared to say anything.

"what can happen, everything that could have gone wrong has.....right?" I give myself a small pep-talk and lightly hit my head with my hand. As i got to open the door my mother beat me to it. "Yuuri!!!" my mom hugged me a little to tight. i let out a fake cough and giggle, my mom smiles and let me go but lightly holds onto my shoulder. "Pichit called me" her voice was small. I was so scared that she would be mad at me. "O-oh" i say my head handing a little low. she hugs me and rubs my back "I'm so sorry that happened to you.come inside you must want to get settled back in"

mom tun around and walks inside. i follow her with my duffel bag and suit case. the hot springs were clean as usual and Minako was drinking sake as she watched the latest news. I try to close the door quietly but it was so light it slammed the door and caused her to whip her head around at me an quickly got to her feet. i was kinda scared considering she wasn't sober and dunk Minako is a nightmare, I just didn't have the energy to deal with her right now.

"Yuuri!" she had a louder voice then normal. I flinch at the sound and she pulls me into a rough yet sincere hug. my eyes well up at the felling of being home and in the arms of a loved one. I hug back and we stay like this for a while. Minako pulls away when i needed a hug the most, she looks at me with a look I can't place. I could tell she was a little disappointed i left and didn't stay till the end. but i just didn't want to see victor. "Yuuri what happened?" sh asks. I stay silent and so dose Minako. "Mom wheres Mari?" I ask. "well when you stared seeing the world she got jealous and wanted to do the same thing but her education was to low so she went back to school for a while" mom smiles. "wow she went back to school? that kinda awesome" I giggle. "i'll have to Skype her later" I hold my bag close. "ok now shoo. go and get unpacked. i'll start making dinner" mom says with a closed eyed smile. i run off to my room and get unpacked. 

Victor's pov.

after I saw yuuri leave I look back inside then at Chris on the floor holding his bleeding nose. I help him up. "are you ok?" I look up at pichit and he walks away pissed. why is everyone getting mad at me now?

I help Chris to my room. "i"ll be back". i hand him a cloth with ice and go to the bathroom to find a first aid kit. when I find it i take it off the shelf. ban-aids fall out onto the floor and under the sink. I pick them up and my hand brushes agents something plastic. i pick it up and find out its a pregnancy test. why is this here? everything stops and I drop everything. "Victor?". i look up at Chris holding a positive pregnancy test. "I messed up".


sorry its such a short chapter I just really waned to update

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