Chapter 19

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"Lazarus!" I exclaimed, scampering to my feet and throwing my arms around my friend, gasping for air. I was so relieved I could stop sprinting.

"Dear Gods and Goddesses, Ailith, what happened to your arm?" he gasped, screaming into the wintry air, "Sor, she's over here!"

"Hades took me," I exclaimed. "I fought him...with ice...and then ran for my damned mortal life."

Lazarus shook his head pitifully. "Soren's going to be so pissed."

"You can say that again."

My gaze loomed over Lazarus's shoulder, and I felt tears threatening to bubble up in relief as I saw Soren's familiar gaze from a few feet away. I grew a bit wobbly at the knees, my limbs threatening to collapse to the ground.

I tried to stay still, but was nearly knocked over as Soren skidded in front of me, having run over at his godly speed. Faster than I could breathe, I felt his hands around my shoulders, and then at my trembling, bloodied arm.

"I'm sorry," Soren muttered. "We didn't even realize when he took you...we were in the middle of a heated game of cards, and then I fell asleep. You were so quiet, and I didn't even notice. And look at you—you're hurt again." He grimaced at the sight.

I shook my head. "Don't apologize for something you had no control over."

"But I did," he said through gritted teeth. "I didn't even sense him when he stole you away."

"Let's get going, Sor. Don't you want to go hunt down Hades?" Lazarus exclaimed, the bloodlust apparent in his growl.

"I'd only like one thing more—and that is to make sure Ailith is safe, and far away from here. You go. I'll see you back at the palace."

"The palace?" I whispered.

Soren nodded, "Yes. We're going home...after you've been properly taken care of."

With that, I felt Soren's supportive grip at my waist, leading me in the opposite direction of Lazarus.

"If you find Hades," Soren growled at his brother. "Find a way to lure him to the palace—so that I can kill him."

Lazarus responded with a slight nod of the head, before he took off in the opposite direction.

I peered up at Soren. "Can Laz take Hades one-on-one?"

Soren shrugged, sending me a playful grin. "Let's hope."

It was enough to fester a small grin out of me, which seemed to be satisfactory to Soren. He helped me through the snowy woods, and I began to tell him all about the luck of my power with ice.

"It appears that, just when another man is about to attempt to steal you away from me, you're always able to fight him off yourself," Soren murmured playfully.

I shrugged. "I guess I'm just lucky. Thank the Gods and Goddesses I've always managed to escape in time."

"What—exactly—did Hades say he was trying to do?" Soren asked. I could tell that it was mostly out of concern, even though he tried to mask it by sounding curious.

I sighed, letting out a small laugh. "He said he was trying to perform the claiming ceremony, I think...whatever the hell that means. What does that mean?"

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