Chapter 30

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Soren's breath thickened as he took two gliding steps: one step forward, and another to center himself right in front of me.

"What," he growled, "are you doing here, Goridian?"

As if he didn't already know.

Goridian prowled forward. With one sweep of his hands, the musty old pews lining either side of the chapel were blasted into a million pieces. I felt my heartbeat quickening. My knees began to wobble. Every single piece of my being was telling me to turn and run.

My feet began to pivot—more out of instinct than judgement—when I felt Soren's hand gripping me by the wrist, keeping me pinned there. I stared at him with wide eyes, but only found one thing in his gaze.


It was a mask, to cover up the rage I knew was boiling underneath his skin. The rage for what Goridian had done, and was now doing.

"I hope this won't take too much effort on my part," Goridian grumbled, sighing. He stepped towards us, but Soren held up a hand.

"One step closer, and I'll rip your head off," he told him.

Goridian crossed his arms in front of his chest, curving a brow. "And why should I be afraid of you?"

Soren sighed, and snapped his fingers. In just that tiny motion, Goridian was sent flying across the chapel, his body slamming against the wall before he hit the ground with a loud thump. I watched my almost-husband; gaping.

Soren turned to me and whispered, "It's alright. I will protect you." His words were nothing short of a promise.

Goridian stood, his feet heavy against the floor as he stalked up to us once more. His icy blue eyes burned with fury as he reached for me.

"I want my bride back," Goridian growled.

"Ah...not so fast," Soren murmured. He squeezed my wrist, and turned to Goridian. "What are you willing to give for her?"

I felt my knees going weak.

"So you're telling me you're willing to make a bargain?" Goridian's eyes suddenly danced with ideas.

I felt a whimper escaping my lips.

I clamped my free hand over my mouth.

"What are you willing to give to get her back?" Soren restated, his tone growing with anger and impatience.

I took a deep, shaky breath. I felt as if my heart was being ripped away from my being. I couldn't speak...I couldn't even think.

"I'll give you the seashore territory. Everything between my kingdom and your land, you can have," Goridian offered. "It could be a completely protected, safe space for you to dock ships carrying cargo and goods. It would be highly beneficial to your majesty, if I do say so myself. From a ruler, to a ruler."

Goridian's eyes flickered over to me. I felt the golden burn beginning to grow in my chest once more. Soren's grasp tightened.

He sighed again. " intriguing offer. But you're going to have to do better than that. I don't need more space to dock ships. And, frankly, I wouldn't ever trust your advice as a ruler."

Goridian furrowed his brows. "I could offer Yes, gold! More gold than you could imagine. Silver, too. And coral, from the Sea Kingdom. All perfectly valuable. You could buy another palace, or more servants. Anything you desire."

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