~Chapter Two~

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Evan sits with the band at every game he attends. This time, as he approaches their section, where the pit already are bc they don't play the national anthem with the rest of the band, there's someone else talking to them.

"And I just wanted you guys to know I hope you have a great show! I always enjoy the band, I really wish more people paid attention to you during halftime." Zoe's definitely taking a liking to her.


"Evan! Are you also in the band?"

"Oh, n-no, but Jared is..." you can hear him play the "dun dun dun" from the back.

"Oh! Are you and Jared..?"

"N-No!! No, we're not - we're just - I'm actually - "

"He's dating Zoe." Says some guy? Setting up his saxophone.

"Oh. Zoe... This Zoe?" she points at her and Evan nods frantically. She's not paying attention anymore. She's in the middle of tuning her guitar.

"Oh. All right." Dammit. She was gonna give her her number...

"Well... I'm sure tonight will be great. First home game of the season!" Some people woo and others uughhh.

"Can I sit with you, Evan?"

"Yeah, sure." She sits next to him. The game goes great. Jared slipping glances towards Evan every once in awhile and when they get breaks, he goes over to talk to him. They end up winning and They do a victory song. It's very fun, Evan and Alana have a nice time, Evan actually knowing a fuck ton about football and helping her understand it a little better. When the band heads back to the building to put their stuff away, Evan follows. Jared is worn out and tired.

"Still gonna come over to my place?" He says it quietly so no one else can hear.


"Nice." He puts away his trombone carefully.

"Let's get out of here." Evan grins as they head for Jared's vehicle, his mom's minivan. He likes to say it's good for getting it on while on the go, but that van has never seen any getting it on, only Jared and Evan being Jared and Evan.

"Every time I get in this damn car I feel like a soccer mom."

"Maybe you should get your own car then."

"You know I can't afford that."

"If you promise to keep driving me places I could help save up. I do work at Pottery Barn now."

"Deal." He stars the engine and they're off to Jared's house. Some people are suspicious about them. Someone probably brings them up to Zoe, asks if she's worried Jared will take her man.

"Nah. I've know Evan for a long time, he's really loyal. And they're best friends. I'd probably be that close with mine." Shes planning on talking to Alana before she leaves. Hopefully she hasn't left yet. And Alana hasn't. She's frantically scribbling a note down for the director of the band, a second in her pocket for a certain girl.

Zoe finds her out by the doors of the band rooms.


"Hi! I uh... I've got a note for you! I thought you were really good!" she hands her the paper with a grin. Zoe smiles at it.

"Thanks.." her cheeks blush slightly.

"Is this for the band director? I know you do this for a lot of groups."

"Oh, uh, no, that one is just for you. I've got another for the director." Her blush deepens.

"Oh! Uh thanks! Again." She opens the note as Alana walks away. It's a very cute note. It reads:

I adore how you sound on the bass and you have the cutest little smile when you play your solo bit! You seem really cool, we should hang out sometime!
-Alana (xxx)-xxx-xxxx"

Zoe smiles so wide. Putting the number in her phone immediately but she won't text her too fast. Alana prays to God that Zoe gets the hint. She's sure Evan is using Zoe as a coverup for being Gay, maybe she has a shot!

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