~Chapter Seventeen~

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The next day at school, Jeremy doesn't realize Rich made marks on his neck. He walks to Michael's locker and waits for him. He's desperate for him. He can't throw his life away like this. Michael walks up, slowing down a few feet away.


"Michael... I-I need to talk to you.." he nervous. He fidgets with his hands and won't make eye contact.

"... All right." remember what Jared said, he tells himself. Jeremy scratches at his neck.

"I-I'm really sorry... about everything a-and-" Michael sees the marks. Oh hell no. No no no.

"Jeremy, are you trying to - no, fuck, course not, holy shit, why would - who did you sleep with last night?" he clenches his fists. They're still bruised.

"No one! I regret it Michael I do. I regret all of it...."

"All of what, all of -" he bites back a very nasty comment.

"regret us too? What we did?"

"No! Absolutely not! That's the only thing about all of this that I don't regret... I just... the next day I didn't handle it very well. And I'm sorry. I really am."

"..." Michael glares at his own feet.

"I was a dick. I know I was. I feel awful about it. But... Fuckin hell, Jeremy, I can't... Take this seriously with somebody else obviously taking advantage of how easy you bruise."

"I'll call it off. I'll make it stop."

"Jeremy if someone else makes you happy -"

"He doesn't! Oh god, he doesn't. Not as happy as I was with you. I miss you too much to happy with anyone else...." he's not gonna cry in front of him.

"Fuck, Jer... Just... Come home with me today? We can... Talk in the basement?" He nods. He really wants Michael back. Even if it's just best friends. When they do make it to the basement, they sit on the futon together.

"....I'm really sorry, Jer, we both know I'm a fuckin child who can't keep himself in check..."

"It's fine..... I'm one too sometimes..."

"Just... I miss you like hell, Jeremy, I go fuckin crazy without you..."

"I can't...... I can't do this without you, Michael...."

"You know how many times I've gotten in trouble in the past week because I just... Didn't care? I just said whatever? Jeremy, be my best friend again, at the least, player 2..."

"Yes.... absolutely...." Michael pulls him into a tight hug. Jeremy returns it just the same.. Michael sniffs. He's gonna cry.

"Let's... Let's not fight again? Please? Fuck, Jer, I fuckin... I fought with my dad at least three times, I'm fucking everything up right now..."

"Then..... then let's fix it." Michael nods.

"What are we gonna be, Jeremy, you know what I want, I'll let you decide."

"I......." he sighs.

"I do want to be with you.." Michael turns his head to kiss Jeremy's cheek gently. Jeremy lays his head on Michael's shoulder. He was just scared. That people are gonna judge him at school for being gay with Michael..

"We don't have to tell anyone. I know you don't really... Want anyone to know..."


"That's cool... That's fine, Jer..." Jeremy takes Michael's hand in his.

"... I love you, Jeremy, I really do."

"I love you too..... I mean it.."

"... What are you gonna do about... About Rich? It is Rich, right?" Jeremy blushes.


"... Are you... A thing?"

"No. God no. Just..... just friends with benefits..."


"Yeah... I'm gonna call it off."


"......... I'm still really sorry..."

"It's okay, Jer, really"

"I just... I thought I wasn't ever gonna get you back.."

"Me too, I thought I'd... Thought I'd fucked up too bad..."

"Just... if you ARE gonna say things bad about me, make sure not to do it around Jenna Rolan." He smiles just slightly.

"Listen, I said it to myself and didn't even realize she was there."

"Jenna knows all and sees all.... and hears all."

"She's a demon." Said Demon is currently chillin' out on her bed with her brand new girlfriend. Christine is snuggled into her side. They're doin homework or something. Jenna lays her pencil down and puts an arm around her. Chris sighs happily.


"Nothin'. Just taking in how gorgeous you are." She giggles.

"You flatter me."

"Well what else am I here for?"

"All right, all right. Your being distracting." she tries to get back to her work but Jenna starts smooching her neck. She laughs.

"Jennaaaa." Jenna laughs as well.

"You don't want to take a break?"

"Oh... All right, all right." Jenna grins and kisses her cheek. Christine puts her pencil down and turns to smooch Jenna's lips. Jenna wraps her arms around Christine's waist, pulling her closer. She smiles, continuing to smooch her. And guess what? That's all they do. Why? Because they are a bunch of Asexuals who just want o be romantic.

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