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Hayley's pov

Two more days. As long as everything went according to plan I would be gone in two days. Oh I couldn't wait to be out of here. Although a pang of guilt hit me when I thought about betraying Spencer. Not that he would know I was the one who killed his boss. I was sitting in front of my computer trying to write a letter for Hotchner. I couldn't think of anything so I shut my computer deciding to just sit in the small café. It was the same café that I had meet Spencer.

The line to get coffee was out the door like normal. I remember when I first started coming here there was only two or three people. Now it was always packed. You were lucky to find a place to sit most days. This was one of the few places I would miss when I left.  I loved the feeling of home and comfort when you walked in. Of course I would also miss there coffee.

I had applied for a job here a while back but everyone wants to work here and I didn't get it. Not that it matters in the grand scheme of things. I put my laptop into its case and leave to go to the park. This was another place I would miss. I had found a spot that not many people go to. It was where I went to get away from everything. It was in the woods by a small stream. I loved listening to the water run through the rocks.

I layer down in the grass and listen to the sound. It made my heart rate calm. There was so much stress lately with going over how I was going to kill Hotchner. I only had one chance and couldn't screw it up. If I did he would know who I am and that would not be good. It would ruin the whole plan.

I never realized how stressful this all was. I wanted nothing more than for it to all be over. Maybe I could convince Noah to let me kill him early. I doubt it will happen but still it's worth a shot. I decided to ask later right now I'd like to just lay in the grass and listen to the stream. It kept me calm during all the stressful times. I was definitely going to miss this place the most.

The sun was starting to set. I knew I need to go before it got to dark but I didn't want to get up. I wanted to lay here forever. Of course that wasn't possible not if only if was. I would never leave.

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