Chapter 11 - The Truth is Out

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As much as Ingrid was glad that Connor had finally given her the answers she was looking for, she couldn't help but feel a little betrayed. It had been months since they had left Dark Sunshine, and only now was he telling her that it wasn't actually over.

"That lunatic's been out there all this time? No wonder you never wanted to leave the house! I can't believe you, Connor! You should've told me sooner!"

A whole array of emotions coursed through Ingrid as she paced the living room, ranting at Connor, who was sat silently on the sofa. She waved her arms about in frustration. This went on for quite a while, but Connor said nothing to defend himself.

Ingrid rounded on him suddenly. "Why aren't you saying anything? You can't just tell me all this and then just expect me to figure it all out on my own! What's she up to?"

Connor jumped, and it was clear that he hadn't even been listening in the first place. He shrugged.

"I don't know what she's up to. But I think she might have done something to Mr Cartman."

Ingrid blinked at him.

"What makes you think that?"

Connor shifted uncomfortably on the sofa, and Ingrid had a sneaking suspicion that she wasn't going to like his next words.

"Well, when I went shopping a few weeks ago, I went to the old corner shop that we used to buy sweets from when we were teenagers. And the lady that owns it, she... said that she'd only opened the shop a few months ago. And at work today, Mike dropped-"

Ingrid snorted.

"Oh, so you've been thinking about this for weeks? And now you tell me? Connor, you're unbelievable!"

Connor stood up now. He looked her in the eye, and for a moment Ingrid felt happy again. Somewhere deep behind the trauma, she could see the Connor she had once known. A smile appeared on her face. Realising what she was doing, she tore her eyes away and folded her arms.

"Ingrid, I didn't tell you because... because..."

"Because what, Connor? Tell me. I'd love to hear it!"

She turned to walk away, but Connor grabbed her hand. He pulled her back so that she was forced to look at him. But there was no animosity in his expression, only fear.

"I thought I was going insane. I thought that it was all in my head, and I was so scared. I didn't want you to worry about me any more than you do. I just wanted you to be happy. But... seeing you and Mr Cartman out there. I know that it's real now."

Before Ingrid could even think about what he had said, his lips smacked against hers. They were warm, and they seemed to drain the anger out of her. She allowed herself to fall into his arms, and the whole world disappeared. All the fear, the worry and the confusion, gone. But everything good has to end, and everything bad has to stay. They drew apart, and it all returned. It would always be there, even when all of this was over.

If it was ever over.

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