Crescent Moon Pack

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Alpha Edwin enters the pack house. "Where's everyone? He sniffs the air. He smirks only smelling his mate. Following her lingering scent, he goes upstairs to the Alpha suite. Opening the door slowly, he looks......confused....she wasn't there. "Gracie, baby?" He calls out as he walks to their bathroom and opens the door.


"YES! I thought you were gaining a lot of weight lately."

"WHAT!!?!?!!!" Luna Gracie throws the shampoo bottle at her mate.

"Whoa, oookay. So, you're NOT pregnant?" asked Alpha Edwin.

"BITE YOUR TONGUE EDWIN KNIGHT!!! I'VE ALREADY GIVEN YOU SIX PUPS." Luna Gracie shouts standing up in the jacuzzi bath tub.

"But honey I thought we were trying for 10." He says laughing while dodging the bottle of conditioner.

"Okay, so why are you congratulating me?" He questions as he walks over to his fuming Luna.

"Look on the dresser. There's good news."

The Alpha walks back into the room and sees the invitation and the extra envelope.


"YES! I CAN'T BELIEVE WE GOT CHOSEN TO ATTEND THE 'GATHERING'. I'm so excited. I wonder if he will be there."

"Maybe, this is the year that royal families will attend." Comments Luna.

"I miss him so much. I wouldn't be here if not for him."

"I know babe. And maybe this time I could actually meet the man that saved your life and the pack." She says then kisses his cheek.

"It seems so long ago. We lost so many members that night. So many pups of all ages perished that night. It was like they were looking for someone.......a child......they went straight for the infant pups nursery. I lost both parents. My mom in the nursery with 13 pups, one being my youngest brother. After the explosion my dad went blood thirty. Only if he didn't get crazed he would have sensed the wolves coming from behind." The Luna squeezes her mate trying to comfort him as he replays that horrible night. "They were surrounding me when he dropped in from the heavens. By his smell, I could tell he was extremely powerful and........NOT a werewolf. He saved me. We lost my parents, 25 warriors, 19 regular members, 45 Omegas and 74 pups newborns to 18 yrs old. They were really trying to wipe us out."

"But they didn't. You were very young to take over as Alpha. And you have rebuilt this pack to what it is today. That is why we have been chosen to attend. You are wise, kind, and strong beyond your years." Luna says while staring deep into his eyes. "You deserve this." Alpha smiles down at his mate and kisses her gently. "Thank you."

They hug tightly holding on squeezing scared the other will disappear. "Okay" "Okay, I got to get ready." Alpha says with a lot of excitement in his voice.

"I need all pack leaders to my office IMMEDIATELY. Dr. Hayes, you too. Everyone else we have a meeting in the morning. 8am SHARP!" He linked the pack members.



"REID!!!!" Yells Juan.

"Sorry, what's up?"

"You spaced out again." Says Lou.

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