(1)Drunk Asses

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Rebecca was at a prep party dragged here by a shit bag that happened to be her best friend, having crazed drunken lunatics around her. She drank her second of her cup in a fell swoop, her step mother has threatened her again to return "home". To "abandon this futile attempt at rebellion " and "give up and do what she had to do".

The alcohol gave her a short relief from her emotional frustrations. Her brain became a bit fuzzy, but still conscious. The memory faded into the back of her subconscious. She heard loud sirens. The red and blue lights blinded her, she reached her hand over her eyes when her phone let out an audible ring, looking to it she saw a familiar name.


Picking up on the second ring she glared around the mass of people, Samuel obviously nowhere in sight (the dammed bastard dragged her here)  she waited for a response on the call until she heard the groans and murmuring of two voices. Samuel obviously one and the other muffled.

Fuck he's with another guy.

Her attention was slapped back into focus. She knew how Samuel can be when he's drunk and she was not ready at the prospect of having to deal with the repercussions of that. After of 5 years of friendship she wasn't about to let one night ruin it all.

She ran into an officer while she was cursing at her phone. Apologizing she walked away from the crowd of wrecked party goers.

She put the phone up to her ear, and looked around, she was far enough from the drunks to breath again but she could still hear the commotion they were making. She walked further away until she could hear her phone. She heard lots of groans but now she could hear actual words. A slurred and slow 'where did you put the keys' along with another groan from Samuel's voice.

Samuel's car. She ran in the direction where the gay bastard parked his car, it was a block from the party meaning ever so many paces from her.

She caught her breath and looked at the two figures in front of the car, a buff structure supporting the taller. She wiped the sweat from her brow and furrowed her eyes to get a better look. The buff but short being Xander Huang, average black hair and asian brown eyes to match, the other, Samuel Shalvan, lanky with dark curly hair.

Xander turned to acknowledge her being there and swayed side to side still supporting Samuel. She gestured him to move over so she could open the car door with her spare key. She unlocked the back doors and started the engine.

Xander laid Samuel in the back seat and stood outside the car a bit lost on what to do next.

She glared at him but his shoulders slumped as she did so, she sighed to herself. "You need a ride"

He nodded

"get in the back seat" He climbed in and Rebecca tried her best not to slam her door.

"Get your seat belts on" she said slowly driving off. She had had a few drinks at the party.

The car ride went relatively peaceful other than the fact that Samuel was holding on to the hem of Xander's football jersey while both nodded off.

She sighed as she drove up to her house. She looked at the two in the back seat cuddling up to one another, both holding the other as if they were a precious piece of cargo waiting to be shipped.

She called Mr. Stan from the next door to help her.

Maybe going to that party wasn't as shitty as it seemed.


Her phone rang a second time in Rebecca's room. It was illuminated by just her computer where she worked on an essay, if you could call it that. She continued to ignore it. The number was listed under a creative name in her contacts.

Several pings sounded on her phone, her actual mother, a different number from before. Rebecca picked it up and read the messages. She sent money to the recipient and set it down. She laid back in her chair and let the cold set in. She put her arm over her eyes and let her headache consume her. 

What was she doing?

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