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"You make me feel beautiful."

Taehyung's head tilted back as the sun rays gracefully outlined every perfect feature of his face, his eyes shining in all their beautiful brown glory as his soft pink lips stretched into his infamous smile. I laughed as his freshly dyed peach hair blew in the wind, casting me into a world of amazement. His beauty once again catching me off guard until his hand brought me back into the real world.
"We made it, Tae!" I called to him above all the noise of celebration surrounding us, he laughed whilst gripping my waist, lifting me and spinning around. I laughed, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck as his laughter filled the air like a beautiful harmony searching to be found, "put me down, you big oaf!" I teased, finally feeling my feet touch solid ground. I instantly glanced up at him, his lips finding mine within seconds. Almost instantaneously I lost my footing as something bashed into my hip, I swirled around to see Laurie smirking at me, lifting an eyebrow before opening her arms out. I rolled my eyes, jumping into the open invitation.
"Who would have thought that we would be standing here today, next to the bad boy of the school," Laurie teased as I gruffed and held her at the shoulders, pushing us apart so that I could see her face, "I'm just saying." She sang as I rolled my eyes, pinching her cheek playfully.
"There isn't another person I would rather have spent these days in hell with, other than you." My voice just loud enough to hear as she began to tear up.
"I find that rather rude," the deep and sultry voice of Tae whispered in my ear, his hot breath bringing a blush to my cheek as Laurie smirked and turned to face Sooyoung.
"Of course, that didn't include you, my love," I muttered as he poked my nose before sticking his tongue out at me, his hand gripped onto the tip of my cap as I reached up to his, the background noise finally beginning to make sense, "1...2...3!" Our voice sounded in unison with all the other graduates, an array of midnight blue taking over the sky as the loud cheers of the audience erupted.
"I'm so glad I got to go through this last hurdle with you, Chun." Taehyung whispered, his forehead resting against mine, a peaceful bliss surrounding us and transporting the two of us to our own sacred place.
"You know, it's really rather quite cruel that you two rub your love in our face," Jimin muttered as Jungkook just shoved his arm playfully, "hey! You know I'm right!" he called defensively, glancing at Laurie who just grinned. Instantly, Jimin's lips painted a smile as I smirked.
"It's quite easy to find love if you just open your eyes," I sang, nudging at him as he looked at me confused, "sometimes, it's right under your nose..." I mocked as he pursed his lips and nodded his head.
"Yeah, or in Boston." Taehyung and Jungkook simultaneously joked, my laughter promptly filled the air as the blush danced across the two lovers faces.
"So, where are we going for dinner?" Jimin changed the subject, his hand awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as Laurie chuckled whilst glancing at her phone. I shook my head, not being able to help the giggle that past my lips.
"Good save," Jungkook muttered, a smirk etching onto his features as he shrugged, "Nayeon is at the diner, we could meet her there?" his voice soft, glancing at everyone for approval. A sea of nodding heads met his eyes causing him to perk up as he smiled.
"Perfect, that's sorted then, who is driving with who?" Laurie asked, Taehyung quickly tightened his grip around my waist as I rolled my eyes, "Well, lovebirds obviously are driving together." Her voice faking snarky as she winked in my direction, a groan sounded from the youngest of the group.
"Great, do I go with the official lovebirds or the two lovebirds who pretend to not like one another?" Jungkook moaned as I laughed yet again, shrugging. He crossed his arms and glared, "I'll go with these two, at least their love isn't all in my face." He whined, pointing at Laurie and Jimin who were once again rosy at the cheeks. I felt myself being dragged backwards as I quickly waved at the other three before almost tripping over my feet to turn around and glance at Taehyung.
"Chun Abela, you would make the sunrise jealous," Tae whispered, my hand finding his as I searched for his gaze. I tilted my head before laughing, "nothing nor no-one will ever be able to light up my world the way that you do." His voice chimed as we reached his car, I laughed at the cheesy sentiment before rolling my eyes and reaching for the handle. I felt my world spin as I suddenly looked up at Taehyung.
"What on earth-" I felt myself being cut off as his single finger cut off my speech, I glared up at him as he smiled sheepishly.
"I mean it, Abela," he whispered, dropping his finger and resting his hand on my hip, "you are and always have been the beacon of light in my life. You are the most breath-taking view on this planet, your smile could light up the darkest room. Your eyes lit a fire within my soul that will forever burn and your laugh," he paused, chuckling lowly himself, "well, that lit up my heart." The lump in my throat appeared within seconds, a weak smile pulling onto my faded red lips. I pushed onto my toes, my lips delicately pressing against the tanned skin of the elder as a soft giggle managed to escape from my silence.
"You are the most precious thing, Tae, I can't put into words how much I love you." I cried, he was quick to shush me as he shook his head and softly smiled down at me.
"Let's go eat," he requested as I nodded, dropping back down to my natural height – or whatever height the heels I wore made me – opening the door to the car as Taehyung rushed to the driver's side, "Jungkook will kill us if we're late." He joked, I nodded in agreement, turning my head to look at the boy beside me.
"Thank you, Tae," I called, his eyes glancing at me in confusion but instantly returning to the road as we started to drive out of the parking lot, "thank you for making me feel beautiful." I continued, his signature smile appearing as he rubbed his thumb on the back of my hand.
"It's my pleasure, gorgeous." He laughed as I rolled my eyes but couldn't fight the grin off of my own face.

10 Things I Love About You (Kim Taehyung - part 2).Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora