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"You helped me find adventure."

The warm air melted around me as I continued to take deep breaths outside, just glad to be back on solid ground. My heart was still in my throat as the minutes ticked by waiting for Taehyung to finally exit the building. I glanced down at my phone, looking once again at the time before the automatic doors opened, revealing the hustle and bustle of the skydiving centre to open. I placed my phone in my pocket as the familiar cologne of Taehyung surrounded me, I glanced at him, noticing the smile gracing his face. I arched my eyebrow as he held photo's out to me, I laughed as I looked at the two photos of us. Today Taehyung decided that we had to finally go skydiving, adamant that he will complete his bucket list this year. The two pictures showed our separate falls, Taehyung looked like a graceful angel, having the time of his life, whereas I looked as if someone had forcefully shoved me off the plane – not far from what had actually happened. I shook my head, playfully pushing my shoulder into his as we slowly started to walk.
"You know that I love you, but I swear, sometimes you try to kill me with your ideas," my voice was mocking as we made our way towards the car, the sky slowly beginning to darken as clouds drifted in from the east, "you and your eccentric ways." I laughed as he chuckled slightly, shaking his head as the car came into view.
"Baby, you know I'd never try to kill you," he remarked, the sarcasm clear in his voice, "I just want to make your life more exciting." He stated matter-of-factly, I laughed before rolling my eyes and taking out the car keys.
"And when I die because of these exciting adventures, you can say that at my funeral," I joked as he huffed, "You know I love you for that, you helped me find adventure." I mocked as he rolled his eyes.
"Hey, you can say what you want but if it wasn't for me and my crazy ideas, you'd never have experienced any of the things that you have," he defended, his bottom lip protruding slightly. The laugher flowed from my lips and I opened the car door and slid into the drivers side, waiting for the sound of the other door to open before starting the car. Silence. The figure of Taehyung stood outside, arms crossed causing me to roll my eyes. I quickly switched on the engine and rolled down the passenger window, crouching down so I could see the majority of his face.
"You coming home today or are you staying here?" My voice held a mocking tone to it, only to be met by a huff as I sighed and sat up straight. Turning the engine off and climbing back out the car, peering over the top – barely, "Tae? What's going on?" I tried to keep my voice calm, but my impatience was burrowing its way to the top. He swiftly turned to glare at me, placing his hands on top of the car, almost as if he was subtly mocking my height.
"Maybe you're right," his voice was soft, by his words were clear. I tilted my head in confusion as I tried to gain more height to look at him.
"What do you mean, maybe I'm right? Right about what?" I held back my sarcasm, noticing the sadness that fused his features.
"Maybe you're right, maybe I am too eccentric and maybe that's why I am always stuck in a rut. Maybe my outgoing nature isn't actually a positive thing, maybe it is the hindrance in my life, the thing that is stopping me from exceeding, the continuous hurdles that always seem to be in my way!" I stumbled back from the sheer volume of his voice, not expecting him to get so angry over a simple, maybe mistimed, joke. I could feel the own shock on my face, quickly trying to bring myself back to a neutral manner before cautiously approaching him.
"Tae, I never meant to make you feel this way..." I trailed off, placing my hand under his chin and bringing his eyes up to meet mine, "I was only joking, I know that you're never going to be the boring office guy who only ever picks restaurants for dates, I know that. It's one of the many reasons that I love you, it's one of the things that makes you-" my voice instantly got cut off by his exacerbated sigh.
"Don't lie to me, Abela, I hate it when people lie." His voice was stern, almost as if he was remembering something, the anger looked so fresh on his features that I slowly began to worry that I had said something earlier in the day that may have made him this way, I looked up at him, so many emotions on my face.
"What is going on with you today? Why are you being like this now? We were having such a nice time, what changed?" My voice had became soft, almost whisper-like as I turned away from him and began to walk to my side of the car, thinking it was maybe best if we just went home and he had time to himself. I could hear his heavy breathing behind me, the frustration almost yelling out as I walked further away.
"I know my eccentric behaviour is the reason you won't marry me, Abela." I stopped dead in my tracks. My heart leaping into my throat as I tried to trick myself into believing that those words did not just leave his mouth. My body slowly turned around, my eyes instantly meeting his. His eyes danced with sadness, hurt and a slight tinge of something else that I couldn't quite place. I swallowed the lump in my throat and took a step towards him.
"What did you just say?" The rhetoric question was met with silence, I stepped closer once again and dared him to repeat it with nothing but the look on my look on my face, "say it again, Taehyung. I want to be sure that I didn't mishear you." I cautioned, his gaze instantly met the ground, nothing but his breathing to answer my question. I sighed, fists clenched, turning slightly so that I wasn't looking at him directly, "get in the car and we'll forget this conversation ever happened." My voice was dominant, strong. Closing my eyes I took one final breath before yet again, turning away from him.
"I can't forget about it, Abela," he whispered, his voice filled with heartbreak, causing me to turn and look at him, "I can't forget about it because I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you and it breaks me knowing that you won't marry me because of who I am! Because of the things that I do!" He called, I exhaled, the anger finally coming to the surface.
"Where are you even getting that from? Who told you that I wouldn't marry you because of you are?!" I matched the level of his voice, rendering him silence, "Who told you, Tae?! Because whoever it was, they were lying to you! I love every little damn thing about you, from the way you style yourself, to the crazy theories you come up with, all the way to the crazy ideas that you come up with! I wouldn't be with you otherwise," I called, catching my breath, trying to push away the tears this stupid argument was causing.
"Why would someone lie about that?! Why would they lie knowing how much I love you, how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you?! Why would they-" This time is voice was cut off, not being heard over the loudness of my own.
"Then why haven't you asked, Taehyung?! Because from what I can see, the only damn thing stopping us from getting married is that you haven't asked me!" I yelled back in response, my heart thumping in my chest, almost as if it was trying to break out and slap him in the face. I could feel the blood pumping through my veins, racing towards my face as the heat slowly climbed up my body. Taehyung stood, shocked. I couldn't actually tell if he was breathing or not, he hadn't blinked in minutes, but finally he gasped so loud it couldn't be mistaken for anything else.
"Wh-what?" he stuttered slightly, rolling my eyes and throwing out my arms, his mouth was still slightly open as I raised my eyebrow to look at him.
"Tae, can we please just go home? I'm tired of arguing, I'm exhausted from how early we had to get up and I'm pretty certain I've lost a whole lot of oxygen today." I sighed, rubbing my temples, trying to fight the headache that was making its presence very clear. His warm hands engulfing mine as he lightly pulled me towards him, my eyes searched for his, noticing a soft smile on his face – almost as if the argument hadn't just taken place. He nodded quickly, biting down on his bottom lip and letting go of my right hand. His body slowly began to lower as his knee began to bend, I looked at him in confusion.
"Abela, will you-" My phone belted out the familiar song Giants causing Taehyung to straighten up again, matching his usual height. Letting go of Tae's hand I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, quickly answering it once noticing it was Jimin.
"J-baby, what's happening?" I called into the phone, smiling slightly at the familiar sound of his voice. I glanced at Taehyung with an apologetic smile, but he never returned it, with a simple sigh, he turned and got in the car.

What the hell just happened???

10 Things I Love About You (Kim Taehyung - part 2).Where stories live. Discover now