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"You helped me rediscover my love of art."

Jungkook sighed for the seventh hundred time that night as I rolled my eyes and looked at him with an arched eyebrow. He just waved me off, turning back to the mop and once again dunking it in the water before rinsing it out and dropping it to the floor. The room was filled with a harmony of the mop on the floor and the wobbling of the table that Jungkook was cleaning.
"I just don't get it!" Jungkook called causing me to jump, my heart rate spiked as I spun my head to look at him with wide eyes.
"Jesus!" I yelled, breathing deeply before looking at him, "get what?" I asked, a glare on my face as his back was still turned from me.
"Tae!" He yelled, slapping the table as I scrunched my face up in confusion.
"What about him?" The confusion was clear in my voice, Jungkook sighed before going back to the wiping the table.
"So, he just went off? For no reason?" Jungkook's voice was low, but the shock was sharp in his words, his brows were furrowed as he stopped wiping the table, perching up on it and sighing, "I'm confused..." his voice trailed, I scoffed whilst turning to look at him. The mop tightly held in my hands as I nodded.
"Tell me about it, I thought everything was okay but then that argument just happened," I paused, inhaling and closing my eyes for a second, "why would he think I wouldn't want to marry him?" I asked, but the question was more aimed at myself. I sighed, shaking my head and turning back towards the partially wet floor and continuing cleaning with the distaste clear on my face.
"When do you leave this place?" He laughed, sliding off the table and sighing, "I'm still mad about it, by the way." His tone was matter-of-fact causing me to laugh as I shrugged.
"Next Friday," I paused, ringing out the mop one last time before carrying the bucket towards the sink in the back room, "If I could stay here forever with you, I would, but you all wanted me to follow my dreams, so that's what I'm doing." I mocked, walking into the back and lifting the bucked up to the sink and emptying it hearing his scoff.
"I take it back, give up your dreams and stay here with me," he yelled, I rolled my eyes, placing the mop and bucket back where it belonged, walking over to wash my hands.
"Sure, just get Tae on board!" I called back, the hot water dancing over my skin, the front door chimed to state that someone had just walked in. I quickly turned off the water and paused, waiting to hear what was going on.
"Jimin, we're closed!" I heard Jungkook yell from the front, "friends do not get privileges in this shop!" he called, I couldn't help but laugh as I wiped my hands against my apron before untying it and placing it on my hook. I walked out to the front to hear slight bickering from both of the boys. Jimin flicked his finger against Jungkooks forehead causing him to instantly recoil before imitating the elder boys' actions. I rolled my eyes before clearing my throat, arching my eyebrow whilst leaning against the doorframe.
"Ah, Jimin, to what to we owe the pleasure?" The sarcasm in my voice was not appreciated by Jimin as he quickly flipped me off before returning to his innocent posture and smiling tightly.
"I'm worried about Tae," he paused, glancing between Jungkook and I, I immediately stepped forward and looked at him, "He's under a lot of pressure lately with his father and the family business..." his voice trailed as I nodded slowly whilst exhaling.
"What does that have to do with Tae though? He's not part of the business?" Jungkook questioned, unwrapping his apron and placing it on the freshly cleaned tables.
"Yeah, but his father is trying to get him to join it again," Jimin scowled, crossing his arms over his chest and almost growling, "and not in the nicest of ways." I groaned, dropping my head into my hands. Taehyung's unusual behaviour over the past few weeks was finally making sense.
"But why now? What's changed? He already stated when we left school how he'd rather shove-" the sound of Jimin and I protesting cut Jungkook off as he raised his arms in defeat, "I'm just saying..." I laughed and nodded leaning against the counter on my hands, biting down on my lip.
"I have no idea, he came in a few weeks ago on the phone to his father, and he was not his usual jovial self, he's no longer the one making jokes in the staff room, his smile is barely there and it's just as though his eccentrics are gone," Jimin paused, tears building in his eyes, "I miss my friend." I felt my throat tighten, clearing my throat attracting the attention of Jungkook and Jimin.
"It's my fault," I paused, closing my eyes as the guilt built within my stomach, "his father wants him to take the job in order to support us whilst I go to art school, the family doesn't believe that he can support us whilst I go..." I trailed off, trying to fight back the tears burning my eyes, "I should just give up on the dream and help Tae with the bills, we're adults now, dreams are for kids." I muttered, as silence fell over the shop, small footsteps coming closer.
"Abe, you know that Tae would hate himself if he made you give up that dream," Jungkook whispered softly, Jimin instantly nodding in agreement.
"Plus, he was the one who encouraged it," Jimin added, Jungkook nodding in agreement this time and smiling slightly.
"You and Tae both deserve all the happiness in the world, and no matter what neither of you will allow the other to give up on their dreams," Jungkook continued, I dropped my gaze down to my scuffed white converse as I traced patterns on my leggings with my fingers, "it's not going to be easy, but if anyone can do it, it's you two." He stated, placing his hand on the counter and levelling me so that our eyes met.
"No matter what happens in the coming years, we're all in this together, if you ever need help, you know you've always got us." Jimin smiled, I nodded thankfully and wiped the few tears that had managed to break the barriers and trickle down my face.
"Plus, I think it's also that British guy who is getting to Tae, the new one?" Jimin stated, Jungkook instantly rolling his eyes causing me to laugh, "Robert or something." Jimin growled as I Iaughed turning to look for the cabinet keys to look up.
"His name is Darren, who are you thinking of?" Jungkook asked sarcastically, gathering together the cleaning supplies and walking towards the cupboard, "and he shouldn't be listening to that guy anyway," Jungkook huffed as I nodded.
"Because he is an asshole," I sang causing the two boys to laugh, nodding in agreement, "what's he been saying anyway?" I asked, finally locating the keys and turning to look at Jimin curiously.
"I don't know, something about how Taehyung is so extra that's why no-one likes him," Jungkook rolled his eyes, shrugging his jacket on before handing me my own, "think he also claimed it's the reason that Tae hasn't progressed further in the job, but it's really because Tae refuses to work more than needed," Jimin stated as I nodded, remembering Tae ranting about it a few months ago.
"Honestly, Tae can be annoying sometimes but that's only when it's 7am and you're hungover, otherwise he is just a delight," Jungkook huffed, I couldn't help but laugh as I nodded.
"I'm pretty certain he also said something about you Abe," Jimin paused, his eyebrows furrowing together, "maybe something about you breaking up with him? Avoiding him...?" Jimin's voice was almost distant, Jungkook glanced at me before returning his gaze to Jimin.
"How she doesn't want to marry him?" Jungkook asked, Jimin instantly clicking his fingers and nodding.
"Yeah, how did you know that?" Jimin asked, a slightly scared look painting his expression, Jungkook just rolled his eyes, "I think Tae's just worried about not meeting expectations, he doesn't think he's doing that well in comparison-" I scoffed, cutting Jimin off as both boys looked at me confused.
"He's not doing well? He's the one who is actually getting somewhere in his life with his dreams," I laughed but the sadness was entwined with my words, "do you know how many times we get stopped by the kids he teaches when we're out shopping or out for dinner? They all love him," I laughed, blowing the stray strands of hair away from my eyes as I locked the cabinets beneath the counter, "All I receive these days are rejection letters from museums, he sometimes just gets in his own head and forgets how amazing he is." I sighed, standing up and stretching to see both boys staring at me.
"You got rejected from the modern art museum? Abela, I'm so sor-" I held my hand up to stop Jimin from continuing, shrugging slightly before walking out to stand in front of the counter.
"Things happen, you just got to keep trying," I stated, a tight smile gracing my face as Jungkook delicately placed his hand on my shoulder and sighed.
"It's their loss, Abe, they don't know what they're missing out on." The confidence in his voice made me laugh as I nodded.
"Alright dad, let's get out of here, I can't bare to spend anymore time in this shop than I need to." I laughed as Jungkook instantly grabbed his bag and raced towards the door as Jimin huffed and followed after muttering something about how childish his best friend was. I rolled my eyes as I grabbed the keys, turning off the lights and locking up, trying to stop my thoughts from racing.

10 Things I Love About You (Kim Taehyung - part 2).Where stories live. Discover now