Chapter 10... the finale :(((

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"you made me believe in love"

                    "...falling for you wasn't falling at all – it was walking into a house and knowing I'm home." Taehyung's voice was tender, soft. The sunlight danced across his face highlighting the love that was swimming in his eyes. His heartbeat was so loud he thought that it was going burst out his chest and slap him in the face.

"She will leave you at the altar if you say that," Jimin muttered, his words barely making sense due to the amount of strawberries that he had jammed into his mouth, "and I will cheer her as she goes." He finished off, watching Taehyung's body physically deflate. Taehyung straightened out his tie in the mirror, clearing his throat as he glanced down at the notebook in his hands.

"To me, your love is like water. It is shapeless and it is formless, but it is also peaceful, yet so, so strong. You cannot live without water – and I cannot live without you. You, my darling, are my heart. I promise to support you, through thick and thin. I cannot wait to walk back down that aisle so that I can start the rest of my life with you by my side." He took a deep breath as he gazed at himself in the mirror, an undistinguishable look gripping his features.

"Where did you hear that? The rejected script of The Notebook?" Jungkook teased as he entered the room, holding up two large suit bags. His infamous bunny smile mocking Taehyung, the elder of the boys grappling at his hair before tearing out the sheet of paper and tossing it on the floor next to the other discarded vows.

"Ugh, why did I decide to leave this to last minute?" He grumbled, throwing himself down on the couch and looking up at the ceiling, "surely, it shouldn't be this hard?" He muttered, the tension scratching at every muscle in his body. The loud ticking of the clock seemed to mock him. He cast his eyes towards the clock, squinting slightly before rubbing his face harshly.

"How many impromptu speeches have you made for Abe? Just go to that mind palace and write what you feel!" Jimin called as he picked up a handful of raspberries and slowly began to throw them in the air before attempting to catch them in his mouth.

"This is different!" Taehyung called, pushing himself up and staring at the two boys who he called best friends, "this is singlehandedly the most important speech I'm ever going to have to give. Not only does that make this ten times worse, it is also being said in front of all our friends and family – I cannot mess this up." He shouted, both Jimin and Jungkook glanced at their friend and sighed, they could see the physical exhaustion that fell upon him. They had all stayed up the night before writing a series of vows that could potentially be used – it wasn't until 45 minutes ago that they realised everything they wrote was nothing in comparison to what they expected from Abela's vows.

"Just relax, okay, we have an hour before the rest of the groomsmen turn up, close to two hours if you count when Jisoo will turn up," Jungkook softly whispered, sitting on the couch next to the elder, "you've got this." He stated, but no matter how hard he tried, he could barely convince himself never mind Taehyung that anything the last seven weeks of work had produced would be anything in comparison to Abela's vows.

"and hey, if not," Jimin paused, taking the seat on the other side of the groom, "we'll fake a heart attack like we used to in school to get out of science class." He stated, bringing some ease to the room. Taehyung chuckled, glancing down at the scribbled writing on the paper in his hands, the feeling in his heart could never be explained on a piece of paper. The affection he felt when he held Abela in his arms could never be described in any language, no words had yet been created for the butterflies that danced in his stomach when she laughed or the happiness he felt when she smiled at him. If Taehyung wanted to write down what he felt, he was going to have to create a whole new language to even begin the process of explaining how he felt towards the love of his life. His eyelids fluttered closed, Abela's face instantly coming into his mind. Her hair blowing in the wind, her eyes gazing into his – strengthening their connection. Abela's laugh sounded in his head, the melody he never wanted to forget, the warmth from his heart slowly radiating throughout his body as a lightness rained on his body, a smile slowly returning to his face, his eyes opening once again as he chuckled to himself.

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