~~ 2 ~~

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"You make me laugh."

The sun beating down felt unusually cruel, the clear blue skies taunting the sadness engulfing the atmosphere. The heat absorbed into the black dress surrounding my body, but nothing bothered the numbness of my skin.
"Isn't there supposed to be clouds? Rain? Something?" Jisoo muttered, eyes glued to the ground. His fingers fiddled with his tie, shaking his head, an empty chuckle leaving his mouth, "What cruel irony that today is the first nice day of the summer, right? What a joke!" I jumped, startled by the sudden outburst of my elder brother, not used to seeing him upset and frustrated. I wearily stepped forward, cautiously placing my arm on his shoulder, his eyes slowly being brought up to meet my own. A forced smile stretched my lips, I nodded as he wiped a fallen tear and pulled me into his embrace. A few silent moments passed, Taehyung standing respectively a few metre's away as Jisoo slowly released me from his grip and glanced down at the casket, a variety of different colours roses beautiful decorating it with elegance. Jisoo wiped his tears, tightly gripping onto the white rose in his hand, releasing his grip and tightening it repeatedly until a final sigh passed his lips and he let the rose fall to add on to the beautiful array of colour. A few minutes of silence passed as his eyes never once left the ground, his chest heaving before he finally turned and placed his hand on my shoulder, glancing for a quick second at Taehyung.
"I'll go see to Dad, take as much time as you need." He whispered, I slightly nodded my head, my eyes never once leaving him as he walked towards the carpark, where the cars waiting to take everyone to the reception afterward. I finally dropped my eyes to the roses, Taehyung's presence instantly by my side.
"I can't believe she's gone," my broken voice finally spoke, the heartache radiating throughout my body, "how can my mum be gone?" I asked, mostly directed towards the sky. Taehyung never answered, just stood by my side, lightly rubbing my back as he let me feel my heartbreak, knowing that in this moment I needed him, but I needed no words.
"Can I just wake up from this nightmare? Can this just be one terrible dream that isn't happening?" I cried, my knee's beginning to crumble, Taehyung's strong grip never left my side as he softly whispered to me, not a lot but enough to make me feel comforted, "she really loved you, you know. She would always have the biggest smile when I told her you were coming over," I whispered, glancing at Tae, a small smile residing on his face.
"I wish I had more than 2 years to get to know her," he sadly whispered as I nodded, and choked back a sob, "but I will be forever grateful that I got to know her over the past two years of being with you, and that I got to thank her for giving me the greatest two years of my life because I've had you by my side." His voice gripping onto some strength that he's held for the past three weeks, I sighed and once again glanced at the roses.
"She was too good for this world, Tae, she deserved more than this." The withered remains of my voice sounded, burning the back of my throat with each syllable that passed. My hands tightly gripping the black fabric rubbing against my paling thighs. A single red rose lingering between my two fingers, barely being touched but not falling.
"I know, baby, I know," he cooed, a gentle tone coating his words, his soft palm landing on the arch of my back, "she was an amazing woman." His voice cracked, matching the nod of my head as I wiped another fallen tear.
"I don't know how to do this without her, she was my rock, she was the person I went to for everything – how do I continue without her?" I cried, my chest aching with every breath I took.
"Because you are every bit as strong and as beautiful and as courageous as your mother was, you will get through this because you are her daughter," he paused, glancing down at the roses covering the oak casket and sighing, "and I will never leave your side, we'll get through this together, my love." His hot breath hit my ear, a solemn nod was all I replied with, slowly letting go of the rose and watching it peacefully drift below, a final goodbye to the most important woman in my life.

The warmth had finally begun to dissolve away with the sun, the cold air now filling the darkening sky. The stars scattered across the dark blanket of the night sky, the moon nowhere in sight as the noise from inside the building instantly becoming quieter. A warmth emerged beside my own body as I glanced to my right side, noticing Taehyung staring out at the beautiful garden, it's colours now dimmed by the darkness of the night.
"It's a beautiful wake," Taehyung's voice was unusually soft, a tepidness clawing at his words whilst his fingers slowly entwining with my own as I nodded in a silent response, "your mother would have loved it." The tears immediately glossed over my eyes, I nodded trying to fight back the tears that once again threatened to dance down my cheeks.
"She really would have," my sentence cut off as a choked sob sounded, instantly bringing Taehyung closer to me. His arm wrapped around my waist as I rested my head on his shoulder, a small chuckle parted his lips causing me to gaze up at him, eyebrows furrowed.
"She would have loved everything other than those ugly ass blue flowers," he joked causing a genuine laugh from myself, the first honest laugh I've sounded since the death of my mother, my eyes instantly shut as I nodded my head in agreement, "because those things are absolutely disgusting, let me tell you that." Taehyung joked, I continued to laugh before opening my eyes and once again looking out at the garden.
"They really are quite hideous, I knew I shouldn't have left it up to my dad to pick them." I laughed, Taehyung mockingly exhaled before kissing my head and sighing.
"There's that beautiful laughter," Taehyung teased, I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the genuine smile that danced across my lips, "I've missed that smile." His voice soft, placing his hand delicately upon my face.
"I love you, Kim Taehyung," I whispered, the bitter airbrushing over my bare arms as his soft smile graced his face, "you always remind me that no matter how dark the world gets, however empty I feel, there will always be happiness in the world. You always remind me that it's okay to laugh," I sighed, rubbing my arms gently as he placed a soft kiss onto my head, I closed my eyes, "you always know how to make me laugh." My voice light, a warmth instantly overwhelming my body, I opened my eyes and glanced at Taehyung's suit jacket wrapped around my shoulders. I looked up at him as he shrugged slightly, sliding behind me and wrapping his arms around my small body.
"Anything for my future wife," he muttered, tightening his hug as the small smile once again met my lips.
"You'd be so lucky," I joked as his beautiful chuckle sounded in my ear, leaving a delicate whisper of a kiss on my neck, reminding me there was some happiness left in the world.


Hello, my lovelie's!

long time no speak.. ha ha ha.

I deeply apologise for how long this has taken me to update, but you know, life has been pretty hectic.

but I will be trying to update much more frequently, I promise!!

Well, anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter (even though it is a bit rushed) and I hope you don't hate me too much for taking too long!

Speak to you all soo,

Much love,

- Taeliciouslay.

10 Things I Love About You (Kim Taehyung - part 2).Where stories live. Discover now