chap. 9 (yeet yeet)

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***sorry bois, it's a long one***

"You gave me the world..."

                         The city seemed positively grim, enveloped in the living shadows, as if everything had been splattered by a canvas of only black and white paint, an entire picture diminished to shades of grey. The rain freckled across the clear glass, creating spots of focus. A low hum sounding from the soft drumming of Taehyung's thumb on the car's wheel, no need for the radio. My head rattled constantly from the friction the tyres of the car had against the road, teasing a headache to form at the back of my head. My mind was a thousand miles away, drifting in and out of consciousness, trying to find a sense of peace within my own mind but grasping at the dimming lights in my mind. A warmth fell onto my bare thigh, bringing my attention back into the metal box that covered us.

"Abela?" Taehyung's voice was soft, timid almost as if he was afraid to break the silence. My head rolled against the head rest, turning my gaze towards him. His newly dyed blonde hair reflecting the faded light from the sun, his brown eyes stealing glances at my slumped figure as he focused on the road. The concern in his eyes screamed at every inch of my being, I shuffled in my seat, a small smile gracing my lips as my hand found his, "are you okay?" I could hear the tiredness coating his words, the sleep wrinkling underneath his eyes. A solemn nod is all I could respond with. No words seemed to form within my head. His grip tightened on my thigh, his eyebrows furrowed deep in thought, his mouth repeatedly opening and closing, as if he was struggling to find the right words.

"Just tired." I heard my own voice break the silence, I linked my fingers through Taehyung's, delicately kissing his fingers and closing my eyes. The familiar scent of cologne drifting around me, like a sweet blanket bringing me comfort that I never knew I was craving so desperately. A light exhale of air came from beside me, a small sign of content from the man that I loved so dearly.

"I'm sorry," his voice whispered causing my eyes to snap open, allowing his hand to fall down to the gear stick I once again shuffled slightly so now that I was facing him more, curled into a ball on the passenger seat, "I should have suggested a later time to my parents..." a yawn stifled the rest of his sentence, I laughed lightly, a genuine smile finally dancing across my lips. Brushing his hair back delicately behind his ears, my thumb lightly dancing across his cheek.

"This is for our wedding, I appreciate you sorting the viewings out," I whispered in response, casting my eyes towards the car radio. 06:38. Grimacing slightly at the time before allowing my gaze to fall back onto the beauty that lay before me, "I shouldn't have went to bed so late last night, I'm just in a weird headspace at the moment," I paused, our eyes meeting for a brief second before he focused back on the road, "I guess I'm just missing my mum, and knowing that she won't be here has really just hit me." Taehyung's body deflated slightly, my words resting heavy on his shoulders, a sigh parting his lips.

"I never even thought – I should have asked you – oh god, I'm so sorry, Abe," I lightly shushed him, his voice cracking as the panic slowly descended over him, brushing fallen strands of hair away from my face, I smiled at him, "My parents got so excited when I told them we were going to look at the Shilla Jeju as a potential, and one thing led to another and I just wanted them to be a part of the wedding – oh?" I lightly gripped Taehyung's thigh, bringing his rambling to a stop, my giggle bouncing off the interior of the car, his confused eyes searching my face in the mirror.

"Tae, I'm glad you invited them, I want them to be as involved in the planning of this wedding as us, the same with my dad and brother," I stated, my words physically calming him, "I love that they want to be involved, and I can't wait to see them. Their input is really important, and I know that neither of us would want to get married somewhere that our parents don't approve of, so baby, just relax, it's going to be okay." My voice was calm, and I could tell that my words calmed Taehyung, but there was a sickening feeling growing in my own throat. I swallowed hard a few times, a pathetic attempt to lessen the burning sensation resting at the bottom of my neck, but it only seemed to intensify. Rolling down the window slightly, allowing a breeze into the car, I repeated my own words back to myself, everything was going to be okay... right?

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