Chapter 13

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Sorry if this is a crappy, short chapter. I don't feel good today. VOTE AND COMMENT ANYWAY PLEASE!



Chapter 13

Alyssa’s POV


The muffled sound of crying and pants for air filled my ears as I sat in the passenger seat of the large van, driving down the bumpy dirt road.

“Shut up already!” I yelled, turning in my seat to face the six small children in the back.

“Why couldn’t we have shanghaied older kids?” The man in the driver seat, Winston, my accomplice, carped for the hundredth time.

I rolled my eyes “That would defeat the whole purpose! We are supposed to be making the ‘One Direction Families’ life hell, so, without their perfect kids, they can’t be perfect, they will get sad, go crazy, go to dramatic lengths to get back their babies.” I smiled in content, knowing my plan was flawless.

Dump Louis with a kid that looks like him, make Hayley look like a bad parent, take away all their kids, make sure Harry and Lilith don’t adopt and so on from there… I don’t really have anything against Zayn, Lilith, Eliza and Niall, or Harry or Liam for that matter, but Hayley, Ellie, Demi and Louis, those are the people I want to take down. They don’t deserve a happy ending; they ruined me and made my life a living hell. And for that, they will pay, even if that means paying with their children’s lives.

I consider it a… sacrifice, their kids’ lives for their redemption.

Seems fair enough.

The police scanner went off again, making me know they were catching on to our scent, sending shivers down my spine.

What if this doesn’t work?

Of course it will work; I will make sure it works.

It has to.

The kids fell silent for a moment, I turned to check on them, I did kidnap them but I don’t want to kill them, yet.

“What the actual-“

“Watch your mouth, there are children in the car!” Winston said, swerving the vans slightly.

“Oh shut up!” I yelled “They found us!”

The kids had their faces pushed up against the window, staring at the multiple cop cars and helicopters coming at us full speed.

“Step on the freaking gas Winston!” I screamed, pushing my foot on top of his, making him yell a series of colorful words.

I could see the house just ahead, all we had to do was make it there, and this would all be over.

“Grab one!” Winston directed, I spun in my seat and grabbed the first kid I saw, holding the small blonde girl tight in my arms.

Her eyes met mine and for a moment I felt a pang of guilt, but it didn’t last long. Winston slammed on the brake and we jumped from my van and ran inside the house, leaving the rest of the kids.  I ran through the house, grabbing the emergency backpacks that littered the place.

The familiar sound of a motor gave me a confidence boost as I pushed through the back door, the child still in my arms, back pack on my back.

I ran towards the end of the dock and jumped, timing it just right to end up on the boat, speeding off to my safety.

Liam’s POV

“Destiny!” Demi’s voice rang clear as she jumped the yellow tape and wrapped her daughter in her arms, the rest of us followed suit, running to our children and hugging them, wiping their many tears and kissing their faces.

“Jake! Harley!” Louis and Ellie chorused, making my gut clench, is still couldn’t see my kids.

Hayley’s arm wrapped around mine and she gave it a squeeze, showing me she was just as worried as I was.

“Arron!” Niall yelled, clasping the small boy in his arms. Tears were everywhere, and small laughs every now and then.

“Honey, where is-“ Hayley was cut off by a little boy with brown hair and brown eyes peaking up at her, making her gasp and pick him up, squeezing him.

“Daddy, mommy is going to break me.” Will said, reaching out for me. I let out a laugh and hugged him tightly, kissing his head.

“Where is Jamie?” Hayley asked, searching franticly for our little girl.

“Alyssa took her.” Will said, his eyes forming tears

“She took her on a boat.”

Amazing Life *Book 4*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant