Chapter 20: Luke's Dessert

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A/N: sexy times ahead. Beware.  Cause I'm a kind and considerate author, I've marked the beginning and end of the sexy times so if you don't want to read it, you can scroll on by. Thank you guys for your continued support. I've had a lot of crazy personal things going on this summer that have taken my attention away from writing. I'm thinking we don't have much longer to go on this story, maybe 5-6 more chapters? Yay!! Cause I have a few originals that need my attention that I've been kinda ignoring to work on this.  Sadly, I don't have enough time in my day to work on two projects. I envy anyone who can. Anyway, I hope you enjoy. I love reading your comments, they are a big motivator and sometimes you all give me some great ideas for the story. 

It had been several days since the meeting with all three teams. I was pretty sure Haru's head was going to implode when Owen took charge and they started fleshing out the details of how to tackle the mission now that we had a better idea as to what was going on. Jimmy was fangirling over the Blackbourne team as a whole and collected money from Caden and Liam when Nathan admitted that they knew Jimmy. I giggled at that. Liam started talking to Brandon about bikes and a new bromance was started. While Caden just chatted it up with anyone who would listen to him. At one point, Kota and him got into a pretty deep math conversation that Corey was dragged into and then they all geeked out together over math. I mean, I was decent enough at math, but it definitely wasn't a passion. Thankfully, Sean and Raven realized that I was getting tired and they allowed me to slip out quietly without anyone noticing.

Of course, Dick almost fired me until Marc threatened to turn him in for his employment practices. He couldn't fire me if I had a doctor's note, especially since I got hurt on the job, and he really didn't want me to try and file a claim with workers compensation. So, I got the week-end off. It was nice, but I felt like I was letting the guys down by not working the mission. They've all assured me that this was actually a better scenario because all of the other waitresses heard about what happened and were giving Machete a lot of grief and Chastity was a hero in their eyes. It made me laugh a little to hear them going on about the rumors going around the club. Machete even approached Marc to check on me and to tell me he was sorry and he'd make it up to me when I came back.

I guess Machete wasn't that bad of a guy, considering the company he kept. Was he as good as my family? Not even close. But, had the Academy caught him earlier, he could have really turned his life around. I almost felt bad for him, but the Academy couldn't save everyone and there were programs available to get kids like Machete out of gangs and away from gang territories. He chose not to take the help that was offered. Maybe, when all was said and done, we might be able to do something for him, just like I wanted to do for Trish when we were finished. I still didn't know exactly what though and maybe I'd change my mind by then.

Luke tapped on my balcony door. It made me jump because when I invited him over, I expected him to use the elevator or stairs inside the building, not crawl up onto my balcony from his, right below me. I took a moment to admire him, standing in the full sun. His cargo shorts hung low on his hips, showing the top part of his Apollo's belt. I swore he waxed or shaved or something because that guy did not have a single hair on his chest all the way down. His six pack was a washboard of sexiness up to his sculpted pecs and muscular arms. He was lean when we first met, strong but not as built as the other guys. At some point he had started working out more seriously and you could see the pay off. He was gorgeous before, modelesque even with his high cheekbones and strong chin, but now he was walking, talking sin. His chocolate eyes bore into mine as a smirk graced his face, he busted me checking him out. How could I help myself when he walked around with as little clothes on as possible? I did see a blue t-shirt tucked into the back of his shorts. His blond hair was pulled back in his signature ponytail. He'd been talking to Gabriel about cutting it a little shorter, so it only fell to his chin instead of brushing his shoulders. I think it would be a shame to cut those beautiful blonde locks. It gave him a boarder or surfer feel with his laid back attitude. I could look at him all day. My lips quirked up as I noticed he got tired of waiting for me to let him in and started to pick the lock on my french doors. I decided I'd let him work at it and distract him for a while just to mess with him.

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