First Kiss

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Kalel's P.O.V                                               -------------------------

We started to walk towards my house and had a nice chat and I'm sure I blushed but I hope it wasn't obvious. Then we got to my front door.

"I had a really fun time Anthony" I said

"I did too" He agreed

I he started to lean over and I did to. He had soft lips and I felt that it was like the best kiss ever! Then he leaned away

"Ummmm..." He said

Anthony's P.O.V.                                         -------------------------

I KISSED HER I REALLY DID!!! I thought. Her lips were so soft, I just didn't was it to end but it unfortunately had to.

"Ummmm..." I said

She smiled and so did I she even blushed she was as red as a tomato!

"Ummmm...Well I got to go now bye" I said

"Yes I should go too" She said blushing

I hugged her and left. Best kiss EVER! I thought. I couldn't get the smile off my face!

I hope you guys liked this part also even if no one will read this yet I know someone will and sorry that it's short! :P

My Love (Kalanthony FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora