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CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! I thought. After he left I went inside blushing. I jumped into bed laying on my back not wanting to sleep.

"I never want this day to end" I exclaimed


Ugh! I thought I didn't want to get up. I was so comfortable on my bed. After I turned off my alarm and saw a text message, it was from Anthony.

Anthony <3: Good Morning Beautiful :)

Me: Good Morning :)

Anthony <3: Do u want to do anything 2day?

Me: Sure! Where do u want to go?

Anthony <3: How about the park?

Me: Sure!

Anthony <3: See u at 2 :)

Me: U too :)

I saw my clock and it was 1:30, I only had 30 minutes to get ready so I quickly got ready and went to the park. 3 minutes later I saw Anthony so I ran up to him

"Hey" I said

"Hey" He said back

"So what do you want to do?" He asked

"How about we can be kids and go on the swings?" I asked

"You can be a kid and I'll just push you" He replied 

"Ok" I said 

I ran all the way to the swings and sat on one. Anthony was behind me after I sat on the swing, so he pushed me. I felt so happy when I was swinging, I don't know how but I just went with it.

Kaitie's P.O.V                                                                                                                                                          -------------------------------------

I cant believe it! I saw it with my own eyes. It was Anthony  I felt joy but then it quickly went away once I was a girl with Anthony. Who is she and why is she with my man! I quickly went up to him with anger.

"Hello Anthony" I angrily said

"Ummm who is she?" Kalel asked

"Lets just go, I'll explain later" Anthony said

He held her hand and they both disappeared.

"Anthony will be mine..." I said in a evil way                                                                                                       -------------------------------------

Hey guys sorry for so long to upload another chapter. You guys should know because of school and I had a very important test but anyway I will try my best to upload more chapters. Bye :P

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