10 things

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Is this my karma? Did I murder someone in a past life? Oh my Jesus, I bet I was Voldemort. That's why my karma is so bad! All because I had to chase little Harry Potter and his mother and father and try to steal their riches or some crap like that, I now have to deal with a crazy stalker who may or may not be out for blood (it's hard to tell, these days), a tough decision of choosing between two guys who mean a lot to me and now I'm fighting the temptation to punch a certain Danielle Peazer in the side of her pretty, curly head.

God Almighty, give me strength.

"You should definitely wear your hair straight. No, curl it. No, but it looks so good straight... but curls frame your face better! I've got it- waves!" I smacked her hand away as she approached me with a burning hot flat iron.

"Danielle, step away from the straightener," I said in a calm, controlled tone.

She sighed but did as I asked for a change. "How can I do your makeup?"

"Who says you're doing my makeup!?" I cried, jumping out of my chair away from her.

"Oh, please, I'm much more capable than you or Tash," Danielle said with a wave of her hand.

"Hey!" Tasha protested from my bed, where she was flipping through a magazine.

Danielle shrugged. "Where's your costume?"

I stared at her blankly. "I'm sorry, what?"

She rose an eyebrow. "Didn't Harry tell you it was a costume party?"

I stared at her some more, clenching my teeth together. "No, he must have forgotten to mention that tiny detail."

Danielle sighed. "So do you have a costume?"

"Oh yeah, I have a whole wardrobe full. Didn't you know I dress in costumes instead of normal clothes everyday?" I snapped sarcastically, running my hand through my hair in frustration.

Danielle glared at me. "Don't be rude or I won't help you."

I shrugged. "I don't know how you can help me when I dot have a costume or anything."

"Why don't you make one?" Tasha suggested and I raised my eyebrows, an idea forming in the back of my mind.


An hour later, the the three of us emerged from my room in our costumes. Danielle was Minnie Mouse, Tasha was Sandy from Grease and I was Regina George.

Since I didn't have a costume, I decided on some cute jeans, a white tank-top and a purple bra. I cut two holes in my tank top so you could see my purple bra, just like Regina George in Mean Girls. I also straightened my hair down the side of my face.

Louis and Liam were ready, waiting for us. We joined them on the couch while we waited for Niall, Zayn and Harry. Liam was Woody. Of course. Louis is- I'm assuming- Michael Jackson. He's got black ankle-freezers on with white socks, a hat tilted over his face, a black jacket and one white glove.

"Do you know if they're nearly ready?" I asked Louis. He shrugged and pulled out his phone.

"I'll ask them."

As if on cue, Harry walked out of his room, in full costume. He was wearing a dark suit with dark sunglasses and a Bluetooth device in his ear, a small clip-microphone attached to the cuff of his right sleeve.

"What are you?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"Secret service agent, ma'am," he answered into his sleeve-mic and I smiled.

Living in Londonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن