• Chapter Two •

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>and I go crazy, 'cause here
isn't where I wanna be<
|R U Mine?, Arctic Monkeys|


I know he didn't mean it. I know he would still blame me for everything, I can practically feel it. But then again, I don't bother. I blame myself too, every day, for letting Stiles out of my sight, even for just the tiniest amount of time. It's my fault that he now hates how his life has become. My fault that he's now a werewolf and will probably never experience again the perfection of a human's life. My fault.

"Der?" his big innocent eyes were staring at me intensely, causing my stomach to feel sick, and my cheeks to blush. Stop reacting Derek, it's not like he wants you.

"Yes, Stiles?" I gulp, remembering how my mother used to call me like this. Nobody else ever did.

"Can you please stop thinking about it? I can practically feel your head thinking, and it's annoying." he said and sighed, looking at me deeply. I just nodded and turned to the side, avoiding eye-contact with him for a while.

"I guess I'll just head to my dad's. See you later." his voice was making me sad and disappointed of me for making him feel like this. He reeked of sadness, and I hated smelling that on him. It just won't suit him, Stiles Stilinski isn't meant to be sad.

And I'm planning on doing everything possible, to keep him happy.


I got my car keys and headed towards my Jeep. My mind was constantly thinking about Derek, about his sad green eyes, and his voice full of pain. It was truly sad; I feel responsible for this. I'm the one who he is sad for, I caused him to be this way. And it's freaking me out that I actually care this much about it.

I started the engine and drove home. Ah, how nice does it feel to be able to say this again. To call out for my dad and be like 'hey dad, I'm home!'. Home is something more than just a roof to me. Home is where your heart belongs, where the memories start-- but also end. It's more than just a living room to watch TV in, or a stove to cook some dinner on, or a bedroom to go to sleep to. Home is where you belong.

I parked the Jeep outside the house, got out and rang the bell. I waited patiently for my dad to open the door, and when he did, the moment was priceless.

"Son!" he yelled, hugging the shit out of me like he wanted to choke me to death instead of love me.

"Dad." I said more calmly, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and sniffing him for a bit. His happiness filled my nostrils, which made me happy too.

"I haven't seen you in a while, oh God, you've changed!" he exclaimed and I chuckled.

"I can't change in just two weeks dad. But it's good seeing you too."

"Come on inside, I was just making some coffee." he said and moved for me to get in. I stepped inside the house and inhaled deeply, letting my nose smell all kinds of smells that could be in this house. It's good to be home.

"Want some?", my dad asked me, obviously meaning the coffee, and I just nodded and pulled out a kitchen's chair to sit on.

"So, tell me your news, how's the training goin'?" he asked enthusiastically and I chuckled lightly, crossing my legs.

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