• Chapter Three •

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>you're ripped at every edge,
but you're a masterpiece.<
|Colors, Halsey|


I sat in silence, watching Stiles sleeping peacefully, his drool flowing all over his cheek. The sun was still down, a small part of it showed itself behind the mountains, faintly. It was a really beautiful sight, I have always liked to watch the sunset.

I stiffened as I heard Stiles mumbling something in his sleep, I couldn't quite make out what he was saying though.

"N-no, d-don't hurt me, p-please.", was the only sentence I could understand. I took his hand in mine, hoping that this would calm him down, at least it happened to work on me. Everytime I'd have a nightmare or I was afraid, my mother would hold my hand tight, taking some of my  'psychological' pain away. Maybe if I can do this to Stiles, he'll be able to sleep in peace for once.

I closed my eyes and focused, holding on Stiles' hand tightly. I did as I was taught so, imagining the pain abandoning the person's veins, and entering mine. I opened my eyes to spot any difference, and yes indeed; my veins were turning black. The whole process of taking away somebody's pain is beautiful, marvelous, perfect. Who wouldn't want to do it, help somebody he loved in a critical moment.

Within seconds, Stiles' expression was back to peaceful again, and even I was too. Because if Stiles is happy, then I am, even though I can't really explain it.


When Stiles woke up, getting out of bed, I was already downstairs, drinking my coffee and pretending that nothing ever happened. Which is also kind of true. Kind of.

"Morning." he said with a yawn, causing me to hold back a smile at how cute he seemed when he was still sleepy. His hair was messy, pointing towards many different directions, his eyes were narrowed as if he hasn't entirely woken up just yet, and his lips were pinker than usual. He is just beautiful.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked, sipping from my own mug, looking down at the book I was pretending to read. I don't even know the title of this thing.

"Yeah, to be honest. I mean, I didn't watch any nightmares so that is good, right? It was as if somebody protected me." he slightly smirked, like he knew what I had done, but I just ignored it. I simply nodded and smiled faintly.

"Good to hear. Maybe they'll end up after all." he sighed and sat next to me.

"I really hope so. Anyway, what are we doing today?"

"Since when do you ask me for our plans?" I raised an eyebrow in confusion, he never really even talked to me about hanging out together, and now he wanted to know what we were doing today?

"Don't be so unsocial, I'm just trying to be a good roomate."


"Yes, Derek. A good roomate, that's what we are supposed to be. Do you have anything in mind?"

"No, not really." I answered simply, sipping from my coffee again, looking away. Anywhere but him. Anywhere but his beautiful, whiskey-coloured eyes, that were like a crystal mirror, a mirror showing off his soul.

white lies, sterek au [TEEN WOLF, DISCONTINUED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat