• Chapter Seven •

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>you're not afraid to die,
and I can see it in your eyes.<
|Hello Brooklyn, All Time Low|


I had already regreted it, but I couldn't take it back. I have to do everything possible to keep Derek safe; even if that meant for me to disappear.

"I'm glad with your decision, Stiles. I believe that you will not regret your choice either." he smirked and I huffed, it's kind of too late for that.

"Yeah, sure. Just keep your part of the deal, okay? Nobody else gets hurt. Nobody.", only me.

"Of course. I'll give you a week to say your goodbyes, after that you shall come with us."

"Where are we going?" I can't believe I actually said 'we'.

"That, is a suprise. Be ready Stiles, I'll be back to collect you in a week. Oh, and remember, you can't tell anyone you're leaving with us." he grinned slightly and disappeared in the dark.

I'm scared; I'm not gonna lie. What if he doesn't keep his word but I don't know? What if he actually kills everyone I care for, but I wouldn't know a thing because I wouldn't be able to communicate with them. I can't stand the thought that somebody I love would get hurt because of me. I've done enough damage already.

And how much will this last? What if I have to stay with them forever? How will I live without knowing what Scott, or Lydia, or Liam, or Derek, is doing? I can't imagine a life without my friends or Derek.

Maybe they'll make me forget. What if they take my memories somehow and make me stay with them forever? I don't even understand them, who would want me in their pack? Why would anybody want the clumsy, uncapable and useless werewolf Stiles, in their pack? Yeah, I get it, I'm good at planning missions and all, but as a werewolf; I'm useless. Uncapable of even controlling my shift, not to even talk about using my powers. I still don't know how to pick up a scent, or hear something very far away. The only thing I learned to do quickly was to take away the pain; which is pretty much the easiest thing a werewolf can learn.

I sighed and started running home. Yes, home. It's an unusual word to use for Derek's loft, but to be honest, it's starting to feel like home. Especially after my dad died, which left me kind of homeless. I feel like I've connected spiritually with that house, like there's something holding me back there, something stronger than the loft. Something like a bond.

I arrived soon after and took a deep breath; I'm about to face Derek and I have to look like all I did was taking a walk. It's easy, just don't panic. Don't act stupidly and don't let your heart beat faster. Easy, right? I opened the door and walked in, Derek was sitting on the couch, reading the same book he's been working on for about a week.

"Hey, Der." I wave and leave my keys on the table, sitting next to him. He throws a glare and then stares back at his book.

"How was your walk?" he asks.

"Good, took some fresh air." I nod and he hums in response.

"Why do I feel like you're lying?" he says and closes his book, looking at me with a slight frown. I feel my heart speeding up, I try to control it, but again; useless.

white lies, sterek au [TEEN WOLF, DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now