0: Prologue

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"Hey Vini, do you have a map ??" The boy appearing as a Greek God from a closer view, asked. "No, what happened Utkarsh ?" She asked confused. "I am lost in your eyes baby !" He winked gaining a 'awww' from her.

Smirking, he went towards the football court and just as a magnet all the girls came behind him, drooling. The game was tough with the A.P. International School. The crowd was hooting and the girls were losing, of course their senses. They weren't flabbergasted when their school won the trophy and Utkarsh was awarded as the Best Player. Ruffling his hand through his hair, he smiled a little and went back home.

Say hello to Utkarsh Ahuja, the Greek God of school, a flirt with sumptuous face, and ever charming eyes. Anybody who saw him couldn't restrain himself from falling for him. He is The king of pick up lines. 6 feet tall with a muscled chest, he has a cute habit, which makes everyone go 'awww', He can't see anybody sad.


"Lavanya !! You nuts or what ?!! Wish him, its 'his' birthday today." Aradhyaa squeaked at her best friend who was acting like a ass. "But how could I ??" She protested fidgeting with the hem of her kurta. "I think God gave you some pretty little hands." Aradhyaa groaned.

Clicking on the profile of Utkarsh Ahuja, Lavanya, wrote a post.

Happy Birthday Utkarsh :)

"But he does not know me !" Lavanya said, still unsure about the stupid act. "So he will ! And do it fast its already 11:55, his birthday is going to be over. "But..." And Aradhyaa clicked on the Send button. "Yes !" She screamed. "Aradhyaa, what have you done ?? How will he react. He don't know me. What if he ignores ? I will feel just like a desperate teenager." Lavanya tried putting some sense in her best friend's empty shell. "Chill bestie !" Aradhyaa told smiling.

Greet Lavanya Malhotra, a perfect definition for a nervous wreck. She is nervous about almost every petty thing. Having a life that sucks, her parents are narrow minded. She never talks with boys and adores to be in her own space. Their strict supervision makes her quite scared. More than 3 years have passed and she is not able to get over her crush for Utkarsh. Like every other girl, she has fallen for him but not with his killer looks. Of course, they have a role too but something is more.


"Hey lavu, have you checked your friendsbook ??" Aradhyaa practically screamed. "What happened ?" The nervous side of her reemerged. Snatching, her minion sized phone, which was the second best thing in her life, her parents gave, from her bestie, she read the reply from Utkarsh:

Tysm 😘😘

"You know, what he has replied to all of with a smiley emoji but to you with a kiss emoji, are you getting the depth of this? Maybe you can have a chance with him...Lavya, lavya ??? Oh my God !!!"

Lavanya has fainted !!!!! Just cause The Emoji Meant It All !! For her.

Hey cuties ! This is my first book in teen fiction and I know the plot is pretty stupid, I mean how can someone assume others feelings through a damn emoji. Little stupid, but yeah, I hope you will love it as it goes. Do keep showing your love by the votes and comment, as just they are my boosters. I am not gonna give the cast, hallucinate any of your favourite person *wink*. Please do not copy my book. Constructive criticism is accepted.

Also, I would like to clear that the schools in India do not have lockers. We have continuous classes with a lunch break in the middle. The students have permanent classes and the teachers come into the class according to the respective period. No free period is there, except when there is a substitution. We have a school uniform that has the logo of our school.

Fingers crossed, a little nervous, but yeah, the hope never dies. Love you all. Thank you for reading.

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