9: Dear Ava

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Entering the threshold of our school I heard shooting and hooting of the students there. Aradhyaa by my side raised her eyebrow asking me to clear her confusion whereas I was dumbfounded already. Disappointed by my look she went forward, shuffling through the crowd asking the cause of the pandemonium.

I spotted Utkarsh sitting in the staircase with his friends who were passing we waves. I immediately mirrored their action, a goofy grin forming on my face as a typical boy excitedly came towards me.

"Ava." He greeted me as a slight blush found its refugee on my cheeks. It has almost been two weeks since I have been going to his house to be tutored. And believe me when I say its the best thing happened to me.

These two weeks were enough for me to know him more precisely and learn everything about him. I came to know his flaws that only made me fall harder for him. He is handsome inside out. I don't see him as a hot guy. He is more of a sweet, innocent and lovable one. He is just like a Prince Charming. My crush for him only deepens as I get to spend more time with him. I got to know about a lot of things about him. When he is frustrated, he rakes his hand through his hair. When he is nervous he bites his bottom lip while looking everywhere but in the eyes of the person he is talking too. His way of expressing happiness is just of a new level. He would do a happy dance or would make others laugh. He is adorable.

Whilst I was in his home a certain day, we decided to take a break and watched several movies. There was a time where the best friends gave nicknames to each other. At that time, his brightened face turned towards me as he concluded that he will be giving me a nickname. Not to mention, I was more than delighted and immediately agreed with his idea. That's how he started to call me Ava.

"Hey." I chirped back as he acknowledged it with a nod. Aradhyaa came towards us huffing and puffing as if she had run a marathon. Sweat beads covered her face as she kept her hands on her thighs. A chuckle escaped from me as Utkarsh handed her the water bottle.

"What happened ?" An amused Adarsh came as he patted her back. She gave him a grateful smile.

"I was trying to figure out what the hustle and bustle is about. Do you know the reason ?" She asked now a little relaxed.

"Yeah the school is organizing to go on a excursion as the exams are due next month. To give all of us a break, the senior batch that is us, would be going to camp out." Sohail excitedly said as all of us gasped.


"What say ? All of us would go." Adarsh asked with a huge grin.

"There would be girls too and it would be so much fun." Utkarsh butted. Typical.

"Yeah. I would. Maybe I will find my someone special." Aradhyaa blushed as everyone laughed.

Everyone looked at me, waiting for a statement. The only words that I could manage to squeeze were "Um...I...uh."

"You will be going right Ava." Utkarsh asked as a faint blush appeared. Damn. Why I have to be a tomato all day ?

"Blushing and all ha..." Aradhyaa murmured teasingly making me turn a darker shade of red. Thank god the boys ignored my face that half looked constipated !

"Yeah. I mean- I would try." I said unsure.

"I got an idea." Sohail boomed. "Your problems are your mom and dad no."

I glared at him. "I mean they would be acting as an obstacle for you to go camping out. Right ?" He immediately corrected himself as I nodded sadly.

"Okay." His fingers moved in a rhythmic pattern on his chin.

"Who is the sweetest and most manipulative teacher here ?" He asked slowly, his eyes sparkling.

"Mrs At." We all said without a doubt. She is a sweetheart.

"But what's the relation with her ?" Aradhyaa asked confused mimicking my expressions.

"That's the solution." Utkarsh smirked. He gave a gentle push to my arm and dragged me towards our Chemistry teacher.

"Cry okay." He said softly, a little too close to me.

"Why ?" I asked but it came as a whisper.

"Just do what I say okay. Trust me." He said as he left me and entered the room where she was checking some bundles.

After ten minutes or so, I heard some footsteps. Dramatic as I am, it didn't took me long to cry and make it seem real. I hid my face with the aid of my hands as they both stood before me.

"Hon, come here." She cooed to me and I looked at him as he gave a slight nod. "You really want to go ?" She asked lowering her spectacles. I nodded and hiccupped. I secretly looked at him as he gave a thumps up to my acting, impressed. I gave him a cocky grin and continued to sob slowly.

"Don't worry." She said. "Utkarsh explained me. I know that your parents are overprotective of you, but I will talk to them. You have me, Hon. Dunno worry." She said as she retreated back to the room.

"You rock girl." Utkarsh hugged me. Hugged ME. I gleamed like a child.

"I know that." I said and he chuckled.

Cocky much ? Not in the least.

We waited a few more minutes babbling here and there when she approached us. "I talked to them Hon. They were reluctant at first but then who doesn't fall for my charm." She said and we agreed with a yes.

"Awee, you both are so sweet. God Bless you." She said ruffling our hair.

"No offence ma'am but I set them with a lot of effort." Utkarsh said trying to fix his hair.

She chuckled in response. "None taken."

"Thank you Mrs At." We said as she went saying something as "today's children."

The rest of the day went fine. We sat in the cafeteria for lunch. Aradhyaa gave me a smile and was happy for me. I thanked Sohail for his awesome idea and he answered with a "Pleasure is all mine milady."

Aradhyaa dragged me to a corner. Her eyes that were glistening with mischief made me a little afraid. She is a little too adventurous searching for the thrill of life in almost everything and I doubt something same is going in her mind. She gave me an extra sugary smile. I am not liking it. But statement next surprised me and not in a good way in the least. "Shopping next."

She knew how I despise shopping, its just that my legs are not that stable. I am not lazy, I just try to conserve energy and walking with her for five hours would drain out any meagre amount of energy that I would have within me.

"I am not asking. I am telling." She said as she did her own happy with that lopsided grin plastered on her face.

"I am with you Aradhyaa." Utkarsh said giving her a high five and giving me his ready-to-die for smile that made me melt.

Damn him.

Heyaa everyone ! This chapter is dedicated to Being_devil and Nandini__03 for being simply awesome. I hope you all will like this chapter and I promise it will get better as the story evolves. Thank you !

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