3: The Most Thoughtful Birthday Present

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"How long will it take there buddy ? Are you sure you don't have constipation ??" Adarsh said sounding damn serious. "Is there any problem ? Shall we come in ?" Sohail added to which both of them burst into laughter. "You guys are so dead !" I yelled at them from the washroom door.

I was in there from past half an hour, in my jacuzzi. Its the place where I gather my thoughts go and let my mind process various equations of life. I remembered the emoji girl who got scolded by Mrs Kaur. Why the hell, she shouted at her. I could see faint layer of tears pricking her eyes and she was on the verge of crying. I felt bad, because I was the reason for her sobbing. Also I am kind of grateful to her as she was my knight in shining armour today. I will apologize to her tomorrow for sure. But there is one thing I liked about all the sobbing part. When the class ended, I saw her coming from the washroom with a red nose. And believe me, she was looking incredibly cute in that. Her hair were a little messy but her eyes were shining with pure innocence. And that day, when I called her emoji girl, I saw her blushing. Maybe, she likes me like all the other girls but she was a bit different.

She seemed shy and its been quite a while, that I have came across a shy girl and I hope the journey will be interesting.

Wrapping I towel around my waist, I peeked at my room and found it silent. Where are these little bundle of disturbed people. Tip toeing myself, I opened my wardrobe to find it empty. What the hell ?? Anything just decent should be there but not a single item of clothing was there. I was going to head towards the door when....a storm of girls came barging inside my bedroom. Horny girls, to be precise.

"What the hell !" I groaned and they just began nearing me. Oh God ! I am gone. This must be the work of Sohail and Adarsh, they now will be getting nicely from me. Baby I know you want me. One said and I just looked helplessly towards them.


I am ready to think this as my last night. I don't know from how much time they are here, but my nervous tissue has gone for a vacation. I don't know what they her doing. Just keep the hold on your towel tight Utkarsh, I told myself.

"Uh, girls, you can leave him now. Come some another day." I heard someone say and they began departing. From the corner of my eyes I saw a boy smirking and passing flying kisses to the group.

"Happy Birthday Utkarsh ! I hope you enjoyed your birthday gift !" I heard him say and I felt heat rushed up my cheeks. My calm side was drowning and no one can save it except......"Shresth !!" I shouted and he nodded. He hugged me. "Did you liked your gift ?" He said ruffling my hair. "Of course, not you prick. How dare you do this to me. Its been nine months since I saw you and you came to play this prank on me." I said panting. Sure I love girls, but to this extent, I swear I will kill myself better than to be with them.

"Buddy, it was a joke ! Okay, spit out the anger and smile like a cute boy." He said laughing. "Correction please. Its handsome not cute." I said narrowing my eyes. "Whatever, now go wash yourself !" He said and that is when I looked to all the smudging. God, girls !!! "Yeah !" I said and marched my way to the washroom.


"By the way, Shresth, thank you for the birthday gift, it was just that I am speechless. Thoughtful indeed."I said sarcastically. "Pleasure is all mine brother. Now lets see how many people have wished you a happy birthday." He exclaimed while I suddenly became excited. "Of course."

"Ohmygod !!! Utkarsh, it's 670 posts and 210 messages." He said and I what can I say. I wiped my tears in a melodramatic way. "I knew, they will not let me down. Thank you students for wishing me. I am so proud of you all !" I said. "Is it done dramebaaz !" He mocked me and we both ended up going hysteric. Its always like this with him. He is my favorite cousin of all, and only the one I mingle with. He is obnoxious person, who can make you see stars at day, but yeah a great company and reliable as well. Did, I just advertised him ?

"I am gonna eat, you please reply to the posts." I said as I stepped down the stairs to make some food. Living alone, has its own cons. Well, but yeah the pro is that I have become a master chef. Seriously, don't believe me, ask Shresth or Adarsh or even Sohail. Humming a tune, I prepared some Cheese Sandwiches. I headed towards my room and noticed Shresth stretching his muscles. "Why the hell, does these girls like you so much. You are still my little brother, who is having an obsession with Sponge Bob and Square pants." He said. I twitched my lips. How on earth, he knows my secret. "I have my sources." A hidden camera in my bathroom. No way !

"Let's devour !" He said breaking my trance as we gobbled up our hungry mouths, with food. "Now, good night. Sleep tight okay." He said as he began departing my room. "No movies today ?" I asked trying my level best to maintain the puppy look. "Girls fell for that look, but I don't." He said. "Besides I am tired." I nodded and closed the door. Oh its 10 minutes to midnight. I must celebrate this last few minutes of my birthday.

Subway Surfers, I still love you. Grabbing my phone, I begin to beat my own high score. "Poing ! A message has been received." My cell beeped and I looked at the message. New post. God ! I quickly opened it and someone named Lavanya Malhotra, wished me. At this time, its 11:55, but better late than never. Usually its been a ritual, either Sohail or Adarsh reply or Shresth, I have never replied to any posts or messages. But everything has a first time. I quickly typed :


And continued my game. Soon my eyes lids kinda felt heavy and sleep consumed me. Good night moon.


"Hey, listen !" I said to the Emoji Girl. I have to apologize today and maybe forward a hand towards the friendship. She turned towards me and her body language changed. She was looking innocent with a child like charm, as always. Cute. "Sorry for that day. I really didn't knew you had only one pen." I said and looked at her. She was flabbergasted. "Oh, its okay." She stammered. Then she became more nervous. "Hey relax." I said. "Will you be my friend." I asked and I noticed her face brightened. Cuter. "So what's you name ?" I asked and and she frowned. The colour went away from her face. "I wished you a happy birthday yesterday." She said sadly. "And you replied too." She said looking down. Umm. Mrs Kaur called her Miss Malhotra. Oh so she is..."Lavanya Malhotra ?" I asked and she nodded smiling. "Friends." She shakes her hand and I nodded, letting her touch linger through my skin and then I noticed her face, hiding between her hairs. She was blushing and I smiled. This was something new, something extraordinary. Maybe a start of something beautiful.

Heya cuties ! Thank you all for the love and support. Do vote and tell me your views. Dedicated to Chewton Will be waiting. Thank you for reading. Hey guys I would love if you check my other story, Greetings, My Girl on my other account twistedlyokay

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