4: Done with the puns

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I never knew that by shaking hands so much of electricity can pass through you. Well, so much of novels that were handy were all useless to describe the feeling I am getting now. He was staring at me and locking me in his gaze. I didn't knew when heat climbed up me and managed to have a short conversation with my face. It wasn't leaving. Stupid it, I murmured.

"Lalala lala, lalala lalalaaa..." Aradhyaa suddenly appeared and I gave her a 'are you serious look' and she just smirked. "What ?" I asked and she gave me a knowing look. "Uhh, that was just..." I trailed when she grabbed me into a bear hug. Does she want me to die ? "So happy for you Lavya...or should I say the emoji girl ?" She asked raising her eyebrow and then smiling a bit. I shrugged her hands of my shoulder. "Aradhyaa, its just friend ship. A normal one." I said and she walked away only to say, "time will tell."


Mr Pancholi came to the class and settled in his chair. "Ouchh !" He groaned and everybody laughed. "Stupid, stupid children I must say" he ranted being oblivious that we weren't even listening. Mathematics is my favorite subject, believe me. It is. But the problem is that whenever, I sit to do it, all the formulas, equations and almost everything just jogs through my head. And I am still trying to figure out why ? Mr Pancholi, a loving teacher is just a little too old for the class. His spectacles that are every time around his nose, sneers like it is on the verge of fall. A pot bellied grumpy man, but good from inside. I like him. His teaching tricks are way too old, but ever heard of the quote, 'Old is Gold' ?


Finally, after the wait of long hours, there comes a break, not a kit kat one thou. Most of the children rushed towards the cafeteria while the rest, just lazed around the class. As I was passing, I overheard, the conversation of Vini and Sanjivini.

"Do you know the smiling ghost ?"
"No, who is he ?"
"Probably, it loves consuming girls, I heard."
"Oh my god. So shall I turn into a boy ?"

And that was the time, all the laughter that was suppressed inside me came out and I went hysteric. I mean, woahhh !!

"Something interesting you want to share Lavya ?" Someone whispered near my ear. It was a hushed tune. I turned around only to greet Utkarsh smirking. "Nothing, its just that Vini...*laughs* and Sanjivini were discussing about *laughs* smiling ghost. He too joined me and chuckled. "Well that's something interesting !" He said and we walked our way to the cafeteria. "Wanna sit with me ?" He asked and I nodded, "Aradhyaa too !" I told and he said a yeah.

The table at which we sat was filled with all non humorous jokes that were ushered by Sohail while the others were giving him a disbelieving look. "So burgers it is then." Adarsh declared after a enormous conversation about the food we were ought to have. "Hey, actually I don't like burgers." I told him and he gave me an horrified expression. I gave him a questioning look. "Are you mercury ?" Sohail added and I muttered a "what ?" "Because you are an exception." He said and everyone broke into giggles. "That was really a lame one." Utkarsh told in between. "Yeah !" I agreed. "A milkshake for me and some fries." I told Adarsh and he nodded and went ahead. "You are really pretty you know." Sohail said and I blushed. "Thank you." Before he could exchange the pleasantries, a smack on his forehead brought him to mother earth. "She really is." He said while Utkarsh looked somewhere else. "Aisha !" He yelled and went towards her.

From the corner of my eyes, I could hear them laughing and chatting. Her hands on his biceps and his on her shoulders. They were looking ideal for each other, just like a brother and sister.

As I grabbed on the food, I heard chuckles beside me. "Now what ?" I asked and Aradhyaa hooted in my ears. God, I started beating her. "Maybe they got to know about your eating habits." She passed a tight smile and I nodded helplessly. "Honestly, its okay to eat like this. I toh don't like girls, who for their figure do not touch food." Adarsh said and I smiled. Yeah, someone was on my side. "Me too agree !" Sohail said. Believe me, I think he is the one who is the prankster in their group. His personality is really cool and he has something always lined up, which can make people angry, mad and happy at the same time.

"Are you a camera ?" He suddenly asked. "Living thing, I am." I clarified. "And may I ask why ?" "Cause whenever I see you, I smile." He said and I shook my head in disbelief. Done with the puns, ain't I.


My new found friends are awesome. Actually, I thought that they may be uncomfortable around me and you know like other damsel's just say something bad, which will lead me to occasional hiccups but they were cool and cute at the same time. They had a different image in school, but the rumours, of course were like the cases of true and false. Mostly latter.

"Lavanya, put your dress on the hanger, shoes in the shoe rack and socks inside it. Dare you send the clothes flying in the air and you will get nicely from me." My mother spoke as I entered the house. It was a routine for her to remind me, like I would I ever be so generous to bear her wrath. Doing the exact things, as she said I changed into my leisure clothes. Grabbing a rubber band, from the drawer I put my hair into a high pony and opened the study lamp.

Revising the subjects, I had done in the class, I remembered the sorry look on Utkarsh's face. He kinda looked cute. My only weak subject is Mathematics and I don't know how to cope with it. Closing my eyes for a brief second, I decided to go for a maths tutor. That will surely help.

I opened my cell and clicked on Gallery. Staring at the screenshot in front of me, I smiled internally. His reply. That was the start of everything or the emoji girl moment, not really sure but I am glad it happened. Maybe, we can be friends, because that's all we should do because we are still young and stubborn, as quoted by my mother. "Its 6 !" I suddenly screamed and went to the living room. Making myself comfortable on the couch, I watched the episodes of Tom and Jerry The show is a heart throb.

Woah ! With these qualities, will I ever be important in someone's life ?? I mean, I am different from other girls. But I look it from a positive way, yeah an optimist I am. Having weird food eating habits and watching Tom and Jerry and many more that you will get to know. Will he accept the real me ??? Will he be the partner in my never ending talks and aimless walks...??

Heya cuties !! Sorry for the late update. Caught up with the school and stuffs. Hope you liked the chapter. Will really appreciate your support. Please vote. Dedicated to Royaltyblack. Thank you for reading.

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