Chapter 2

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The day went by, and Celiaste managed to finish a decent amount of chores.

"Now can I go?"

She begged her grandmother. She looked out the window, peering into the woods. Her growing urge to explore the woods itched at her all day, and she was suddenly very excited to finally do it. She'd never been in the woods, or by its proper name, "Wilcon Woods", named after the first mayor of the town, Mr. Wilcon. He many years ago, but his name still can be heard in cafe's and shops. Celiaste sat on the small wooden stool, trying to keep still.

"Well.. since you did finish your work for the day.. Oh why not, go for it pumpkin."

Celiaste eagerly hopped off the stool, and bounded to the front door, grabbing her jacket.

"Now you better be back before 9! Any later and I'll send Fenny out to get ya!"

Celiaste agreed and smiled to herself. Fenny was this big fat terrier that they had found near the dumpsters. When they found him, he was as thin as a stick, and half dead. But after a couple of months with grandma's cooking, he was a fat jolly old dog, with the temper of a young T-Rex and the attention span of a crayon. Grandmother would always joke around and threaten to send Fenny out if Celiaste was gone to late, or didn't get home in time for dinner. But they both knew that the lazy dog wouldn't move an inch from the old guest bed that resided out in the barn.

Celiaste headed out, locking the door carefully behind her and jogging lightly down the stone path that transitioned into the light dirt path, its trail disappearing into the woods. She slowed her step slightly as she came nearer to the trail entering the forest. A part of her urged her on, wanting to explore the vast trees and shrubbery that had concealed the inside of the vast woods, but a small part of her hesitated. She didn't know why, but something wasn't feeling right...

She shook her head, and flashed her biggest smile. She took one step, and bounded forward, diving straight first into the woods. She almost tripped on some fallen branches, and scrapped herself when she clipped her hand against a protruding thorn. But she didn't stop. She ran until she was sure she was far enough from the house, from the town and the cars and smoke. From everything. She walked a bit more, a came to a clearing, decently sized, and her eyes widened. Tall amber grass billowed in the wind, softly bending to the breezes touch. Celiaste walked closer, and slowly stepped in the grass. It tickled her hand and legs, and she closed her eyes and smiled.

This one perfect moment couldn't be ruined by anything else.

She stood there for a few more seconds, and opened her eyes.

And there, right there in front of her, was her sister.

She blinked, and immediately felt the tears well up in her eyes.


Was all she could muster. Kaira stared at her, and looked around, then stared back at her.


Celiaste blinked and she was gone. She ran up to where her sister had been, the tears that had been swimming in her eyes streaking down her face. Run.

Without even realizing her body moved, she ran. Opposite of her house, away, farther away. Her mind felt like cotton balls, warm and fuzzy as she stumbled through patches of dead branches and weeds. She gasped for air, and collapsed. Something snapped behind her and she whirled around.

A sharp sting bloomed in her shoulder. It slowly sifted from pain to heaviness. She looked down, and saw a small green cube emptying its contents into her. She looked back up, and it took all her energy, but when she did she was met with two figures, each growing fuzzier by the second.

"Is that the right one?"

"I'm sure of it, Fia. I know those eyes anywhere."

"I know. But what if-"

"And besides, why would she have run? And she seemed to be talking to someone in the field."

Celiaste tilted her head, but it didn't stop. She just dropped, and her body lay, unable to move. Her eyes stayed open, but that didn't last long. The last thing she saw was the figures moving to her.

Then, she blacked out.

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