Chapter 2: Part 2

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"Should we wake her?"

Thick blackness swam around Celiaste. She tried to move her arms, but they felt so heavy. What happened, where was she? She saw a small sliver of grey light peeking at her, and tried to move to it.

"Look, shh she's waking up.."

Celiaste groaned, her body aching as she finally forced her eyes open. Her eyesight was foggy, and trippy, her vision slipping in and out. She kept pushing to consciousness, and finally felt her body waking up. Her mind was still swimming in haze, but she could feel her fingers, neck, and legs. It was a start.

"I think we gave her too much Orun Cubes.. She seems pretty out of it-"

"She'll be fine, leave her be. I mean, she is the daughter of Maryah."

At the notion of Celiastes mothers name, she twitched. Even in the hazy thick sleep, she felt curious and upset. Those people, or whoever they may be, they knew something about her mom. She opened her eyes fully, and pulled up her arm.

"Woah woah woah, hun dont move. Orun Cubes are powerful, and since your human-"


"Ritaria, not helping. Okay since your half-human, the drug may have side effects."

Celiaste tried to focus on the figure hovering over her.

"W-Who are you? Where- What happened?"

Questions swarmed in her head as she tried to make sense of what was happening.

The woods...

The clearing..


Celiaste immediately sat up, and cried out, her stomach clenching violently. The figure who was hovering over her pressed something to her mouth.

"Please eat this, it'll help."

Celiaste pursed her lips, but the pain grew more and more wrenching, and she opened it, her mouth closing around something that had the texture of a melon, but was very salty. She squeezed her eyes shut and swallowed.

"Good.. Ritaria I knew it, you gave her 50 grams didnt you?!"

The person walked away from the bed, and Celiaste finally felt the pain go away, her stomach blossoming in bliss pleasure and relief. She couldnt hold back a sigh, and looked over to the two people whispering furiously. Her eyesight was back to normal, and she couldnt help but widen her eyes as her gaze settled on the two people-


"Fia, it didnt kill her, and how was I supposed to know? The instructions only count for human or ETs, not half of both!"

"You idiot, you could've killed her!"

Celiaste took in the two figures. Both looked seemingly normal, except for the tails and ears. The slightly smaller one, apparently called Fia, had ebony skin, and her hair was a deep purple with highlights of silver in it. She couldnt see her eyes, since she was facing away from her, arguing with the other figure, Ritaria. She was wearing a over the shoulder sweater that had a galaxy print on it, and it seemed to be...moving? She wasn't sure, but pushed the idea to the back while she looked on. Fia also seemed to be wearing a black tanktop underneath the sweater, no doubt for extra coverage, and wore skin tight leggings that went to her knees. Celiaste tried not to gape at the extra appendages. Fia sported a slim cat like tail, which was a lighter purple that her hair, and was tipped with white. Her ears were the same color, and were pressed back against her head as she blew off on Ritaria.

"We've got to TPN her back to Himace, she will want to know she's okay. And as punishment, YOU'RE taking her."

"Fi Fi, please-"

"Fi Fi?! Are you trying to make me more mad? I should chuck you into the next planets orbit!"

Ritarias own ears flattened as she took more heat. Celiaste went on to profile her as well. Her eyes were the color of a pinkish red hue, and they flickered slightly in the soft light emiting in the room. Ritaria was a bit lighter than Fia, her skin like dark mocha. But she had white patches on her, they were spread out on her face, neck, shoulders arms, and legs from what she could tell. She'd decided to ask her in the most polite way possible what it was.She moved on, and noted her outfit, which was a light blue tanktop, and some simple jean shorts. Her hair was a silvery color, and shined beautifully even in the soft low glow of light coming from above. Her ears and tail matched her hair, except her tail was tipped with a dark grey, gradienting to the lighter silver.

They both were, as far as Celiaste could tell, beautiful.

Fia huffed, crossing her arms.

"We'll stay on the shuttle route, and that should give you enough time to pack and get ready."

Ritaria growled under her breath, and walked away. As soon as she was out of sight, Fia turned to Celiaste.

"I am so sorry for my rudeness, really. Are you hungry?"

Celiaste only managed a small nod as she watched Fia's tail swing ever so slightly. Fia clapped her hands, and a small screen appeared in front of her.

"Gosh you humans have so much food to eat, so many different varieties! Which one..."

Celiaste watched for a bit while Fia seemed to type in something on the thin glass screen. When it disappeared, Celiaste finally had worked up the courage to speak.

"Um..Why did you say my mothers name?"

Fia hesitated mid step into leaving.

"Oh..Well honey, it's a long story."

She quickly walked out before Celiaste could say a word. She felt something press against the top of her legs, and looked down. A voice, a ladies, spoke automatically.

"Enjoy your meal."

Celiaste gingerly picked up the fork that was resting on the tray, which was piled high with food, and took a bite of what she assumed was mashed potatoes. Her hunger over through her, and she dug into the food, not even realizing she was crying.

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