Chapter 3

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After the meal, Celiaste decided that she should try and walk around, check the place out. She didn't know where she was, and when Fia had mentioned 'the next orbit' she felt something in her stomach flip. The tray that lay on her legs was pulled away, and the same peppy womans voice sounded from somewhere in the room.

"Glad you liked it!"

Celiaste waited as the soft humming static faded, and pulled back the blanket covering her lower body. She swung her legs over, and took a deep breath, holding it for a second, and releasing it slowly though pursed lips.


She gripped the bed, and pulled herself up into a standing postition. Immediately she was slammed with dizziness, and almost fell back, but steadied herself, willing every muscle in her body to keep upright. She grunted softly, and straightened herself, taking a step forward.

So far, so good.

She was glad no one could see her like this, stumbling around like a new born baby. She gritted her teeth and began walking, she walked around the room agonizingly slowing, but after a few rounds she felt her speed coming back. When she finally sat down to take a break on the bed, and rubbed her hands on her thighs, sighing. She nearly jumped out of her shoes when she saw the door slide open.


Celiaste looked over at Ritaria, who was now wearing a  soft yellow sweater with the print 'Bliss' on it. She held Celiastes gaze, but looked away.

"I'm sorry for almost killing you."

Celiaste tried to keep a straight face. Ritaria's ears were flat against her head, and her fluffy tail hung sadly.

"Its okay. I mean- You didnt know, from what I heard."

Ritaria glanced up.

"You heard?"

Celiaste nodded and Ritaria walked over, snapping her fingers twice. A big purple bean bag blew up right in front of Celiaste, and she jumped. Ritaria plopped down on it, sinking slightly.

"Its fine. But, really I am sorry."

Celiaste could only nod again. The thought about Ritarias skin had swam back up, and she opened her mouth to ask, but clamped it shut.

"You want to ask about my skin."

Celiaste widened her eyes.

"How did you-"

"Everyone always wants to know."

Celiaste blushed with embarrassment. She felt awful now. It must be so annoying to have everyone ask that question all the time, and the fact that she just knew was sad.

"I have Vitiligo. Its a disorder where the melanin in my skin stops producing, or just die, and it leaves me with these."

Ritaria touched a pale patch on her arm, her face wiped from emotions. Celiaste took a small breath.

"I think their beautiful."

Ritaria wasn't expecting this, because her face twisted into shock for a second. She quicky regained her posture, and smiled.

"Thank you."

A silence fell between them, and the air grew still. Celiaste shifted a little, and spoke again.

"Where am I?"

Ritaria slumped back in her bean bag, eyes trained on Celiaste.


Celiaste didnt know how to react. Shocked, suprised, upset, maybe sad? She looked out and held her gaze on a small vine like plant creeping its way on a ledge.

"Why am I here."

Ritaria huffed.

"Trickier question, but I shall answer. You, as you know are the daughter of Maryah."

Celiaste nodded.

"And you are now seventeen. Your of age, and need to know..."

Ritaria trailed off, and Celiaste gripped the blanket slightly.

"Anyway, there are things you dont know. About Maryah. Like how she was an ET. Extra-Terrestrial. She was a powerful being, a Commander. I knew her, she was so vibrant and-"

Celiaste closed her eyes, an image of her mom filling her her. Brown hair, green eyes. She was beautiful.

"She went to Earth, to recover some data. And she fell in love with a man. A human."

Celiaste looked at Ritaria, and could see the pain in her eyes as she told the story.

"She tried to reason with the High Court, but marriage between a human and E.T.. It wasn't allowed. So Maryah ran away, to Earth, and married him anyway. Years later, you were born, and being in Earths orbit... It made Maryah so sick."

Celiaste hicupped, and realized she was crying. Her eyes were burning as her vision swam with tears. Ritaria continued.

"She passed away, and left you. And now, you have to finish what she started."

Ritaria stood up, and and gripped Celiastes shoulder.

"We are almost in the next planets orbit. Come out whenever your ready."

Celiaste didn't utter a word, but when Ritaria moved away she caught her hand.

"Thank you..."

Ritaria smiled softly.


The door closed, and Celiaste was alone again. She gripped the blanket, and wiped her eyes. She stared ahead, and stood up.

"Don't worry mom. I'll finish what you left."

She looked at the door, hesitated, then stood up, leaving her sadness behind.

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