Chapter 4

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Celiaste wiped her face, and stood up. She looked down at her clothes, which were covered in dirt and leaves. She walked around, and finally found a room that looked just like a bathroom, and stepped in. There on the sink was a brush and toothbrush, with toothpaste. And right next to it was a stack of neatly folded clothes. Inbetween was the sink itself, and Celiaste sent a prayer of gratitude as she washed her face and brushed out the dirt and leaves from her hair. She glanced again at at the clothes, and decided to change. It would make her feel better, cleaner if she was starting off fresh. She picked up the first item, a sweater, that was a light purple, and held back a laugh. It was a bit large, and she assumed it must be Ritarias. The print said "No Thanks" in darker purple letters contained in a box of white. She smiled, and quickly got changed, walking out of the bathroom feeling a little better, but nervous. Celiaste walked to the door, which slid open with a soft whoosh.


The door opened out into a large room, where she noticed Fia leaning over a sleek silver slab, which hovered in place. She tapped furiously on the surface, and blue and green pixilated screens popped up, floating in front of her. Celiaste cautiously stepped forward, and noticed Fias ears twitch slightly, her head turning to look at Celiaste.

"Your okay, I hope?"

Fias voice was tinged with a growl as her eyes flicked back the floating screens, as a bright red one flickered in.

"I'm...okay. Ri...Ritaria explained a bit about my mom."

Fia hissed through her teeth, and spun around to land a hard gaze on Celiaste. Stepping back at such a stare, she almost stumbled into another silver table.

"She did? And your...okay?"

Celiaste could only nod. Many emotions were flashing across Fias face, only a few Celiaste could catch. Sadness, guilt, and.. empathy. Her face finally softened, and she turned back to the screens.
"I'm..sorry. Your mother was a good leader, I knew her well. She helped me get a job, and this ship.."

Celiaste watched as Fia absentmindedly traced a finger along the edge of the sleek silver board, and felt an ache of sadness gnaw at her gut, but she pushed it down.

"Its okay. I understand."

Fia glanced at Celiaste and smiled softly, her ears flattening against her head.

"You know.. You look so much like her..."

Celiaste fought back tears as she clutched her sweater sleeves.

"Oh honey..."

Before Celiaste could say anything, Fia walked the short distance from her hovering silver board and over to her, wrapping her arms around Celiaste. Trembling, Celiaste let go, tears streaking her face as she cried silently into Fias shoulder.

"Its going to be okay..I...We can be your family..."

Celiaste hugged her tighter before finally pulling away, sniffling. Fia smiled and snapped her fingers, a small tuft of white landing into her palm. She dabbed Celiastes cheeks, and she relished the feeling of Fias gentle hand on her cheeks. Just like a mother.

"Don't worry."

Fia stepped back, and glanced at the screens once more.

"Our destination is approaching, go call Ritaria. And Celiaste?"

Celiaste looked up.

"Talk to me, whenever you need it. I'm always here."

Smiling, Celiaste nodded and heading out into another room.


Ritaria was leaning on the side of the glass dome that served as a huge window for the ship with her ear flattened as she stared off at the red blue and green planet they were docking at when Celiaste found her.


Almost as if snapped out of a daze, she jerked around, ears up and turning this way and that searching for Celiaste. Finally laying her eyes on her, she almost instantly relaxed.

"High Court above you scared the soul out of me!"

Celiaste smiled and nudged her head towards the door.

"Fia says we are arriving at the destination. What is that anyway, where are we?"

Ritaria looked at the strange planet and only now could she see its distinct red clouds and double crescent suns.

"We're in Tromixx 070-2."

Celiaste must have had some sort of look on her face, because Ritaria cringed a bit.

"Right, right. Your- you've never- Ugh. Okay, its basically the planet of demon breeds, like what you humans call 'Satan'. They can manipulate only natural elements, like fire, water, earth, and air. There are a few though, who can manipulate.. Spirit."

Celiaste nodded, but another curiosity nicked at her. Ritaria looked a but on edge when she talked about the...demons who could manipulate spirit. Why was that so bad?
The ship shuddered lightly and Celiaste heard Fia call from the other room.


Ritaria froze like a stone for a spit second the ran into the other room, barging out with two identical necklaces. She ran to Celiaste and quickly fastened on one without hesitating while Celiaste was solid from confusion.


"Secure, Contain, and Check. Officials are going to scan are ship for anything.. Illegal."

Celiaste went wide eyed, and could feel herself pale a bit. Ritaria smiled awkwardly.

"No, don't worry we don't have anything. I'm worried because last I checked, humans, half or not, don't breath in Chlorine and Mercury. The necklace will help you, a lot. It turns any gas into your specific type of breathable gas."

Celiaste stared in wonder at the purple necklace, and Ritaria grabbed her hand and placed it on the stone.


A small, slender needle pricked her finger, and the stone glowed for a second. Then, a small blue box materialized in front of her.

Celiaste Esther Ades
Gas Type: Oxygen

Amazed, Celiaste read this over and over until it faded away, just as a huge thud rang through the ship. They hurried to the other room to see Fia shaking hands with a human looking girl with long chocolate brown hair and a burgundy red sweater with jeans. She turned to us, and smiled.

"Hello, my name is Luma. Welcome to Tromixx 070-2."


Hey guys! So sorry for lack of update, I got sick and school was torture :,D
But I'm back and introducing 3 new characters (the other two you'll find out in the next chapter!)
Hope you all enjoyed ^^

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