Chapter 3 - "Aunts"

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Hello, If you are somehow interested in this story, first off thank you! Second, I am learning to manage my time better, so I should be hopefully getting more work done.              And now, on with this new chapter of development.

DISCLAIMER - I do not own YJ or its characters. I only own the plot and my minor OC.

Over the next week, Dick and his newly found 'parents' got to know each other better, the eldest of the trio opting to stay inside their warehouse rather than go out on their 'night time walks'. 

It was during this time that Harley had started calling him Dickie-bird, after learning the nickname his mother had for him, robin. After some (a lot) complaining that she got to that name first, the Joker settled for Dickie-boy. 

Oh, the originality.

And so, one week later, we find Dick Grayson-Quinzel with his adoptive mother and father late in the evening, tired. The day, as the others in the week before it, had been spent to get to know each other on a deeper level. 

It was Dick's yawn that made Harley realize how late it was.

"Look at the time! Dickie-bird, you better get to sleep. Look at you, your eyes are already shutting!" It was true. With each passing moment his eyelids were drooping more and more.

"O-okay mum" he turned and walked out the door of their lounge and down the hall.

Harley smiled, which then turned into an 'O' of shock as she realized what he had just said. 


Unable to help herself, she let out an involuntary squeal of delight at the fact that her little boy thought of her as his mother already. As a former psychologist, she understood that it was when it slipped out naturally that you truly meant it. 

Especially if they didn't notice it themselves.

The apartment building ten blocks away were complaining about the squeal they heard that night the next day.


The next day:

"Rise and shine bird boy! We're having guests today that you're mother is gushing for you to meet!" the man of the house - scratch that, ware-house - cackled. 

This caused his adoptive child to groan, "Shut UP Dad."

While you may think he was being rude, it's completely understandable when he's clapping metal trashcan lids together right above his head.

Grinning at being called dad, the aforementioned 'dad' shoved Dick out of his bed, prompting a cry of surprise and a little bit of pain.

"Alright, alright I'm getting up! кървав АД!"

The Joker chuckled from understanding the separate language, after forcing (read: Threatening) him to teach him all the ways he swore. A little weird, but this was the man rated most insane in Gotham Today magazine, so who knew what he would do.

Leaving him to get ready for the day, he descended the stairs, opting to slide down the banister instead, something he'd learned from the boy changing at that moment.

He immediately wished he hadn't, as it would have given him a little more time away from what was in front of him - his sociopathic girlfriend freaking out.

He tried to step back out before she spotted him, but alas, he was too slow.

She rushed up to him, a look of panic eminent on her face. Wasting no time in which he could escape in, she grabbed him by the collar, lifting him up and slamming him to the wall.

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