Chapter 9 - Confrontation and humiliation

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Sorry about not updating in a while, I just... honestly I couldn't be bothered. I've always been a huge procrastinator, which I try to fix but it doesn't really work. For a while it was because I couldn't figure out how I wanted my fight scene to go, but then after I had a vague idea I just didn't have the drive to write it.  So, if you're still with me here, I'd like to say thank you for putting up with my bullcrap and reading my story.

 Anyways, enough with my excuses, let's get on with the story.

"Team, attack plan ALPHA," came the steady voice of Aqualad.

Attack plan ALPHA was their standard offensive start when fighting someone new. After all, the only one of them with any experience with the seemingly demented acrobat was Magpie, and he was easily beaten, if the villain was to be believed.

The plan allowed them to gauge their opponent's skills in battle, while not putting their own out there too much.

As it was, it was useless in this situation, as Trapeze had already hacked into the cave's computer mainframe, where that plan among all the others was digitalized and stored.

But of course, they didn't know that.

As it was, Kid Flash raced over to take on the suave villain, while Miss Martian used her telekinesis to throw Superboy at the teen for a superpunch to knock him down. 

Anticipating the leading move, he pulled the pin on one of his proudest burglaries: a red-sun grenade from the utility belt of Batman himself.

Forcing himself to take a couple hits from the speedster, he let a smirk adorn his face as his attention was obviously taken by what he dropped to the ground. Kid Flash seemed to have realised what it was, as he turned to yell at the incoming superbullet to, "Get back!"

Alas, it was in vain. The entire move had been pre-calculated, the teenaged villain knowing what he would get out of the move. 

The grenade went off, lighting up the roof with red light as the radiation depowered the Kryptonian clone in one swift move, blinding him and the speedster in less than a second.

Knowing his time to strike had come, Trapeze launched himself forward, knocking Kid Flash to the side and knocking the Kryptonian clone unconscious with a well-placed punch to the jaw.

Feeling a slight pressure upon his (admittedly weak) mental barrier, he did what he knew would work - brought to the surface of his mind the night his birth parents died. 

The emotional despair he felt that night came with it, and he grit his teeth as he waited.

M'gann M'orzz widened her eyes in horror at the image playing across her mindscape. No child should have ever experienced that! And, as it seems, neither should she. The negative feelings proved too much for her to handle, and she fainted out of shock.

Trapeze smiled as he pushed the memory back into its prison. It was almost pitiful how easy it was. Although he did regret the fact that she would likely remember what she saw. Inevitably the Bat would learn of it. Oh well, a problem for another day.

These two acts had happened in less than ten seconds, leaving the conscious members of the team's mouths agape, surprised at what had just occurred. 

Zatanna was the quickest to react, rushing to M'gann's side to check on her.

Artemis was next to recover, firing a special arrow that contained a contorted net at Trapeze, hoping to catch him in it. It sprung about 5 foot in front of him,  the net bursting from the front.

Not to be put off by something as simple as a net (he scoffed), he followed his muscle memory, and in one fluid motion, ducked down to the side, grabbing the corner closest to him, before spinning around net in hand and launching it at the shocked Artemis and Magpie. 

It was only due to the fact that neither had expected anyone to be able to do something like that that he got away with it. Next time they fought he'd have to use something different, he mused.

Luckily, the net followed through, catching both non-powered heroes in itself. Before they could escape however, Trapeze made sure to throw an electro-stun disc on top of them, using an electric current to incapacitate them both.

So as to not lose his momentum, he shot off towards the sorceress. Aqualad noticed this act, and called out to her in warning.

It was all for naught.

Looking up, she noticed Trapeze already standing above her, and was too late to stop him from attaching something to her head, covering her mouth. It was only when she tried to use a spell did she realise that it was a gag to stop her homo-magi abilities.

"Don't bother trying to get it off sweetheart. Only I have the key." With that, he turned to face Aqualad.

"So, what happens now Fishboy? I've already taken out your team. I can't imagine what was running through Bats's head when he decided that this was a good idea. The phrase is quality over quantity."

Before the Atlantean could respond, they both heard a yell.

"Don't forget about me!"

Kid Flash's temporary blindness had gone away, leaving him fully capable to try and take out the annoyingly good villain.

A yellow-and-red blur was seen crashing into Trapeze's side, sending him skidding across the roof, knocked off-balance.

Not wasting any time so as to allow him to pull off any other tricks, Kid Flash immediately began circling Trapeze at super speed, slowly but surely cutting off his oxygen supply in an attempt to knock him out from lack of oxygen.

It didn't take too long for the genius to figure out his play. It also, hadn't taken him long to figure out what to do if he was ever caught in this situation.

Taking a deep breath of what remained, Trapeze took out his baton, extending it as he did.

Still holding his breath, he stuck the pole out into the blurry tornado, smirking in satisfaction when he heard a yelp of pain, milliseconds before the blur went flying into the wall, knocking it unconscious.

"Now where were we?" He turned back to look at Aqualad, a cocky smirk adorning his face.

The resident Atlantean was rendered speechless, in shock at how efficiently the teen in front of him had just taken apart his team.

After a couple of seconds, Trapeze saw no change, and quickly became bored.

"Well, I'm off." He turned on his heel towards the still-struggling body of Zatanna. Said magician noticed his approach and started to back away, before finding her back up against the wall.

He smirked at her predicament, before leaning a hand next to her head, "Don't worry beautiful, I won't hurt you. You're just going to be coming with me." He grimaced. "Oh god, that sounded super stalker-y."

"Hold on if you don't want to go splat," he teased, before scooping the ravenette up in his arms,  and jumping off the side of the building.

This act shook Kaldur'ahm out of his stupor, leaving him to gaze on as the teen villain swung away with his teammate in his arms.

"Batman is going to kill me," he muttered, surveying his team in different forms of disarray.

Well, that took me a while. I've already apologised, so I won't waste time again. I will tell you now that I have my reasons for the way this fight panned out. I won't tell you them, just that I have them.

The next chapter will likely be a kind of filler, that expands on relationships within the fic and sets up for later.


If anybody in the comments can guess my age correctly, I promise to have the next chapter out before next Saturday.


The Jester, The Clown and The Acrobatजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें