Chapter 7 - An interesting fellow

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First off, I would like to say sorry for being such an ass and making those of you who seem to like this and want to read more wait. I have honestly just gone through a phase where I drifted off of wattpad for a while, and i kind of forgot about this. It was only after the very kind @misswwefangirl2016 asked me to update did I remember. So I'm back and ready to write. I recently got the app, so you can expect more updates now, people who actually read this.

The man who was known as the joker to the world, was an interesting fellow. Now, if you said this in public, you'd be considered almost as crazy as him. Because although the man was many things (sociopathic, a murderer, worst of all, a clown), he was by no means interesting. No, he was something to shy away from, someone to be scared of, the reason for your bed-wetting nightmares even if you are a grown adult!

Even with all this, the one factor that never came into circulation was, in fact, the one that proved that he was, indeed, interesting.

People didn't know the real him.

The man behind the mask if the joker looked no different, of course. He didn't just escape from batman and instantly become a different person. You'd have to be magic to do that (and it's not like that actually exists, right?).

The real joker was a different person though. From the way he acted to what kind of person he was to those that knew him.

At the top of that list, of course, were his wife and son, the joys of his world.

To the outside world, he was the worst villain in the world, the one person you should truly be afraid of, insane.

To his Harleen and Richard however, he was the man they loved.

And that man was all that counted to them. Sure, he was misunderstood. Sure, he was actually insane. But that didn't matter to them.

To them, he was a great father with a tragic background.

Born to a clown and a nurse, it quickly became his understanding that laughter was the best medicine. That lesson was the memory of his parents that he clung on to after that were tortured and killed in cold blood before his own eyes.

He quickly lost his mind after that.

Over his years, he fell deeper and deeper into insanity, truly becoming the joker the world knew him to be.

That all changed when he met the woman who still took his breath away .

Harleen Quinzel.

With her and her therapy sessions, he felt saner. He soon fell in love with her, needing her to stay this new man he enjoyed being. He had explained everything to her in the last session they had, and had been overjoyed when his feelings had been reciprocated.

And by everything, that meant everything.

Including the one thing in his mind that he couldn't shake.

Laughter was the best medicine, so to fix this broken world, everybody would have to laugh.

He never once lied when he said that he just wanted to see the world laughing.

The woman he loved was there for him every step of the way, and he her when behind locked doors.

He only acted like he did in public to protect them. Protect them from the countless number of enemies he had made throughout his life, never showing one weakness.

His whole mental state was something for psychologists to marvel at for its sheer number of complications.

But he would do anything for his family, no matter what. And if anyone hurt them...

Well, they would find out why he was the only man the dark knight of Gotham feared.

Sorry for being MIA for so long. But, I promise I am back now and I'll try my hardest not to let you down.

What we have here is my view of the joker for this fic. I wanted to get his character established so that people could understand his actions later on.

Thanks for sticking with me, and MICKLDAPICKL OUT!

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