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I knew it wouldn't last! Sorry if you were waiting, I was busy last week and forgot about it, same case this Thursday. I would've done it Friday, but I had something between quarter to 7 and 9, which meant dinner at quarter to 6 and I get home at 4:30. I devoted about half my day to this, so I hope you enjoy and accept this as my apology if you were waiting.

Anyways, lets move on shall we?

"Are you sure about this?" Chaton hissed, for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"Nobody's ever completely sure about anything." He replied, before scaling down the side of the apartment building they were perched upon.

"That isn't an answer!" She whisper-yelled down at him, trying to keep quiet while making her own way down.

He sighed, before answering properly, "I'm not sure, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to be with them today Kate. Short of murder that is."

"Just making sure. I haven't been in Arkham before, and I don't want to be in there longer than I have to be."

"Then go, nobody's stopping you. I could probably do this myself."

"The person stopping me is you. I'm willing to do this for you. Think of it as a favour that I intend to collect, or brownie points."

"We have to get through this first."

"You do realize I'll collect either way, right?"

"And you remember me saying I'll do anything?"


A silence fell, as the duo trudged their way through the alleyways to the hill that Arkham lay upon. When they reached the base of the hill, they stopped, and instead turned to the road after finding sufficient shrubbery to hide in.

"When's it going to get here?"

"According to the schedule, five minutes. But who knows whether that'll be right. The only time I was in one of those trucks they took an extra fifty."

"And you're sure that you changed them round?"

"Yes. I hacked the records so that they'll take the one with the holes in it. It'll work."

"So what? We're just gonna sit here 'til then?"

"That's the plan."


The two heads in bushes snapped up in sync when they heard the low rumbling of an asylum truck making its way along the road. (pic at top is the model I'm basing this off) 

"Remember what to do?" At her nod he continued without missing a beat, "We have to be extremely quick or this all blows up in our faces."

They waited for it to reach them before making their move.

"Go." his voice barely a whisper.

The two young teens darted out onto the road and jumped at the side of the truck, latching on with their hands and feet. This was because of something Dick had been able to create - magnetic gloves and shoe soles.

As quick as they could with the wind resistance, they crawled over the side of the truck to the front of the container, where Dick input a code on his hologlove (that he never took off) underneath his magnetic glove that caused a 70 by 70cm square panel to eject slightly and slide forwards. It was through this that they crawled into the container's inside, in the space Dick had had hollowed out from a day he was bored. It had finally come into use.

The Jester, The Clown and The AcrobatKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat