Chapter 5 - Chaton

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I'm surprising myself, I'm actually keeping a schedule!

Dick sighed as he felt his only friend push herself into his back a little more as she hugged him from behind, pressing her large-for-her-age chest against his back.

"Really Katie? Now of all times?" He turned around, only to be met with a cute pout on the face of his blonde companion.

"But Dickie!" She whined, "I thought you would like some support at the moment. You know, seeing as how you're spending you three's special day with the other two in Arkham." She flinched at the end, her obvious fear of the place showing.

"Maybe so, but that doesn't mean that I want you to be making yet another move on me Kate."

"Aww, come on! What do I have to do to get you to like me?"

"You know I see you as my sister chaton. Je ne vous aime pas de cette façon."

This put a scowl on her face, "Curse your perfect knowledge of other languages." She grumbled.

"You're just annoyed 'cos you can't say anything without me knowing what it is, little miss half-French." He chuckled. "Now would you mind getting off?"

"Yes, yes I would."

He sighed, knowing that he would be stuck there until she let him go and instead drifted into his memory of meeting her.

*Super awesome skip into flashback*


"What is it this time?!"

"Your Auntie Sel is here with something important to tell us!"

"Alright, coming!"

Once settled in seats, Selina Kyle began to speak.

"Where to start? I mean, that had a part in it, but this was a bit more important..."

"Spit it out Kitty Cat!" came the obnoxious cry of the Joker.

"Fine then, I'll be blunt. I've adopted a child."

Cue the blank stares. Until..

"Boy or Girl?" coming from Dick.

"A girl, your age actually birdie."

"Ooh, do we get to meet her!" was the squeal escaping Harleen's lips.

"Funny you should ask. Katie!"

"Yes?" came the response from the head of blonde hair strung up in a ponytail hanging out of the doorway between the kitchen and the lounge, where they currently were.

"These are the other three I was talking about, Harley, Joker," her lips curled upwards in distaste, prompting an exclamation of protest from the mentioned, "And Dick."

"Hi." "Hi." Came the simultaneous greetings from the two, causing blushes to creep onto each of the faces of the 11 year-olds.

Dick decided to test something, "Alors, tu t'appelles Katie?"

The question caught her by surprise, before she answered, "Oui, tu parles français?"

"Évidemment. Cela et bien plus encore."

"Mignon et intelligent, me likey."

"I'm afraid that I don't quite follow."

Rolling her eyes, she mumbled "Garçons," leaving Dick confused as to what she meant by that.

While this exchange had been happening, Harley had fixed Selina with a look and questioned, "French?"

"Her mother was. She's an orphan herself, bless her. They died when she was 6. I've seen how happy you two have been with Dick, so I wanted to see if there was anyone out there for me. She just feels, I don't know, right."

Harley gave her friend a smile, before turning back to her son and his new friend, making her smile grow.

*Flashback ends here*

"Say, Kate?" He asked suddenly, startling his female friend.

Gathering her composure, she answered with, "Yes?"

"You say you want to help me get through today without mum and dad. How about doing something with me to do just that?"

"What?" the hope in her voice evident.

He grinned, "By helping me break them out of the stinkhole they were placed in, Arkham Asylum itself."

Another week passed, another chapter done, I'm getting better  at this, don't you think? Don't worry, I do know where I'm going with this story, I just need time to get it down. It will happen eventually.

MickldaPickl - OUT!

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