Chapter 8 - Young what now?

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I hope this proves that I am making an effort to try and get on with this. My only problem is that my end of year exams are just around the corner so I might not have the time. I will try and make it though. One other thing. It might take me a little while to get back my notes on where the story goes, so just bare with me a little bit.



"Could you run to the store and grab me some cyanide?"

"Sure thing!"

This was the kind of conversation that was considered the norm in the joker household.

So of course, instead of going to a shop of some kind, Trapeze headed straight for the Gotham star labs to steal cyanide.

Now, normally he wouldn't have been caught, his aunt Selena had made sure of that. This time, however, he 'acidentally' tripped an alarm while making his escape.

Don't give him that look! It was a sunday without anything to do and he was bored. He wanted to fight!

NOT the fools that called themselves security guards. No, he wanted a fight with the dark knight himself. But until he got there, this was the best he had.

"Come one batsy, where are you already?"

Somewhere across the city:

Batman sneezed.

"What's the matter bat? Catching a cold? Why don't I beat it out of ya!" yelled Killer Croc in the deep voice of his.

"No." Came out of Batman's mouth, killing any kind of conversation before it could start.

Wanting to goad him on, croc opened his mouth, before being knocked onto his back by a fist to the face.

During the time it took the reptilian giant to get up, the dark knight received an alert and set up a communications link with the cave, where his partner currently was.

"Magpie, get the team to go to star labs, Trapeze has been spotted on the roof trying to escape from a theft. I need you to cut him off and apprehend him."

"What?! B-but Batman! You know even you can't beat him, let alone me! What makes you think that we can do it?"

"You and the team work well together, you know each other's strengths and weaknesses. You can do it, you just have to believe in yourselves. I trust you to do it Magpie."

Swallowing, the young teen replied," Alright then, I'll get the team there right away."


"Hold up! You're telling us that this kid is able to take down BATMAN and he expects us to bring him in!"

"Yes Wally for the last time yes! I've already explained everything to you 3 times now!"

"Just how good is this guy!?"


The bioship touched down silently in camo mode on the roof of the building opposite star labs.

This, of course, did nothing to stop Trapeze from noticing them from where he was already on top of the same building, hiding in the shadows.

Upon exiting the hidden ship, the sidekicks - he knew they hated being called that - were looking at the labs and the surrounding buildings, obviously trying to spot him.

All except for Mr. Super teen.

Damn him! He'd forgotten about his super hearing and sight, so when he immediately swung his head round to look directly at him it came rushing back.

"Congrats super loser, you know how to use your powers. Now what are you idiots doing here, junior justice losers." He walked out of his shadow clapping.

"Again with that name. What is it with villains and calling us that?"

Ignoring Kid Flash's outburst, Magpie stepped forward, "Batman asked us to take you down."

Trapeze just stared at them for a moment, as if he was unsure what to make of the threat. Then, suddenly, he burst out laughing.

"Maggie, I've kicked your ass more times than i can count. What makes you think that adding some other wanna-be heroes and a hottie will let you win?"

"For the last time stop calling me MAGGIE!" He calmed down after Aqualad placed a hand on his shoulder. He then stepped forward himself.

"We will defeat you because we are a team."

"And if anything, we're young justice, not junior!"

"Shut up Kid!"

So next chapter brings a large scale fight between the team and Trapeze. It might take me a little while to be satisfied with it, so just wait up for me okay?


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