Memories part 1

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*GASP!* Could it be?! A new chapter?! After 3 weeks?! YES, IT IS!

I'm SO sorry for the extremely long wait, but I finally got fed up with not writing because of my endless exams and texts, defied my mom, and chose to write over studying for the SAT. :) yay!

In case you didn't read my author's note from the last part and are CONFUSED:

the last section I inserted in the last chapter was from an old draft. I knew I wasn't going to be uploading for a while so I put up a teaser.

             First I looked through my missed calls, looking at each contact. I had received several phone calls over the past few days from my cousins. I was supposed to be visiting them over the break and had made plans to stay with them for the six weeks of winter break. I saw a few phone calls from my dad too, a day after the calls from my cousins. No one else had bothered to call, no one would have noticed my disappearance over winter break, but it’s not like I had anyone else that would have called, except Jayden. I scrolled through the list of missed calls, finding it unusual that Jayden hadn’t bothered to call even once.

              Skipping over my voicemails, I checked my text messages to see if she had bothered texting me. And found the most peculiar text messages. Looking through them, it hit me like a freight train. The shock from the sudden surge of such a small realization shook me up. My moth dropped and my eyes bulged as I sat transfixed to the spot as if any slight movement would cause me to forget and lose my train of thought.

                As I scrolled through our messages, I saw a series of my unanswered messages in bright green speech bubbles asking questions like “Where are you?”, “Why haven’t you come home yet?”, “Is your phone dead or something? Please answer me back as soon as you get this.” The messages spanned over multiple hours of 3 days: 2 days before my exam, the night before my biology final and the day of the final. Did that mean she missed her exam?! What on earth could she have been doing that would have caused her to miss our most important final?!

                I furrowed my eyebrows, closed my eyes, and tried to bring myself back to the night when I was studying for my biology exam. I tried to picture myself as I usually studied in my dorm room, sitting at my desk, reclined back in my chair with my feet up on the edge of the chair, my biology textbook in the crook between my legs and stomach. My chair was twisted to the side so I could quickly jot down notes on the pad on my desk to help me remember.

                Swirls of figures floated from my mind onto the paper. The Krebs cycle was hard for me to remember. I would always forget a step or a term, so I kept repeating it and re-drawing it. The reactions of the Krebs cycle complete the breakdown of glucose to carbon dioxide. To begin the cycle an enzyme combines the acetyl group of acetyl CoA with a 4-carbon acid called oxaloacetate.

“Alaure, you really should take a break now,” Jayden’s melodic voice broke my train of thought, “You need to stop stressing out. You know this stuff inside and out.

I frowned, “No I don’t. I don’t know any of this stuff!”

“You’re going to kill yourself by studying so much. You need to have more confidence in your abilities. I know you can do this, and you know I’m never wrong,” she joked.

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