It's Not Over Yet

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Chapter 44

I told Jayden about Baxter and how he helped me at first, how I even began to fall for him. I told her about Nadya and her amazing cooking and how kind she was to me. I told her about how I tried to find out where she was and what I learned about Chloe and her involvement with the boys. And I told her all about Damon and how much of an egotistical ass he was at first, but also about the moments we shared together, about how he rescued me after my failed attempt to run away, and about all the places he took me. I filled her in on how Damon helped me find her and what happened to me while I was at Garrett’s place. Lastly, I told her how Damon left us, left me at the hospital and the single note he wrote me.

“Are you falling in love with this guy or something?” Jayden interrupted.

“What? No! I mean I think he’s kind of an interesting person, but I wouldn’t go as far as to say I’m falling in love with him or anything. I mean I suppose I hardly know the guy. For all I know he could be another Baxter or he could have been lying to me all this time. And who’s to say I really even like him. Being stuck in the middle of nowhere with only three other people and I’m bound to be attracted to one of them right? Isn’t that what always happens to people in isolation? They usually start to like each other or something. It’s just the circumstances. I mean I felt attracted to Baxter too for some time and that didn’t go well either—“

“Alaure! Stop! You’re rambling which usually only happens when you’re nervous. Besides I don’t think you mean any of that stuff about him being like another Baxter. Half of your story was just you telling me about irrelevant details about this Damon guy. I think you’re just trying to convince yourself not to like him, not me. Though I can’t say I like him at all considering he did kidnap you and he wasn’t really much help to you, and he did physically hurt you on more than one occasion. Not to mention, I always imagined you getting together with another shy, nerdy boy, not this guy.  But you’re a little different now Alaure…we both are.  I can’t imagine letting another man into my life any time soon, and I certainly don’t think this guy is right for you…but this is the first guy I’ve ever heard you talk about in a non-academic way.”

“I know. I keep trying to forget about him—“

“And how’s that working out for you?”

“It’s not,” I smiled meekly.

“You haven’t talked to him since he took us to the hospital?”

“No. I haven’t had any way of getting in touch with him. And now, after what you’ve told me, I’m worried about him. I need to find him…I just don’t know how.”

“What’re you so worried about?”

“When Baxter was talking to you he said he wanted to ensure he could carry out his revenge on Damon even if he died. Someone could still be after Damon, particularly Garett.”

“So you want to be the knight in shining armor and rescue the poor little princess?”

I shot her a look. She put her hands up defensively, “Okay, okay. I get it. But what exactly do you expect to do? Lead a man hunt to find all the guys involved with Baxter?”

“Hmm, something like that. Where’s your laptop? I need to do a quick search.”

“It’s under my bed.”

I grabbed it and searched for any recent information on Garrett Sparks. Scrolling my eyes over the paragraphs and articles I quickly processed the words.

“Just as I thought!” I exclaimed.

“What did you find?”

“Almost nothing, but that’s exactly what I needed to know. From what I can tell, this guy has a record for squeezing his way out of the hands of justice, probably from waving money around in the authorities’ faces. There are absolutely no links between him and the brothel he’d been running which can only mean that this creep is still on the loose, and I’d be willing to bet that this guy is going to be the one who tries to complete Baxter’s plan.”

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