A New Kind of Evil.

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"He's..." Dumbledore trailed off. "Just pray that it's not what it looks like and if it is what I suspect Harry will.... die or at least the one we know and love."

"That means his soul is..." Hermione began to sob.

"Becoming corrupted." Dumbledore finished gravely. He looked at Hagrid and nodded.

Hagrid grabbed Harry's boiling body and Dumbledore apparated the three of them out of the Gryffindor towers and into his office where Professors Snape and McGonagall were waiting.

"Poor boy. It would truly be a shame if we had to ..." Snape looked at Ron and Hermione."

"McGonagall I would watch what I would say in front of them." Snape said.

Hagrid laid Harry on a table in which the three professors began chanting a spell round him. Hours passed and it was nearly sunrise. Harry was still screaming though he was still asleep. It was like he was having a terrible nightmare but the glows eventually died down and so did his cries. Ron and Hermione were now in their school robes. They both were really worried for the Best friend.

Soon Harry had finally stopped both glowing and screaming. Though the screaming had reduced to quiet whimpers and the tips of his hair was still green. The professors were exhausted. Hagrid had long gone as he was unable to take the pain of hearing Harry's torture.
Finally Harry woke up his entire body ached but he refused to let that make him look weak.

"Harry, my boy! How do you feel?" Dumbledore hugged Harry glad that he was okay but Professors Snape and McGonagall began to back away from them Dumbledore took another look at Harry and backed away for his own good. They failed. The transformation Harry had undergone was nearly complete and everyone there could feel the anger emanating from him that he would have to wait longer.

McGonagall and Snape had their wands at the ready to stop Harry before he did something life- threatening.

Hermione ran in between Harry and the professors to stop any possibly deadly cross-fire. She turn to Harry whose eyes were still glowing.

"Miss Hermione Granger step away from him." Ordered Professor Snape.
"Never!" She turned to him." Harry stop this snap out of it."

Harry then relaxed the green glow ebbed away. Leaving Harry confused.
'What was I about to do?' He thought. He was in raw pain and he didn't know where was until looked around. He then realized he was in Dumbledore's office and surrounded by simply horrified faces not to mention two professors who look like they had just seen death and were about to kill him.

"Hermione,what are we doing here?" He asked. To his relief when he did the feeling in the room relaxed. The professors lowered their wands.

'What idiots do they really think that you would show your full strength now?'  His counterpart hissed.

'Not now.'  Harry replied in his mind.
"Harry?" Hermione called still looking at his new features." Are you okay now?"

"No one can be O. K. A. Y.  After that." Professor Snape said eyeing the green tips of his hair.

"I'm fine." Harry said pushing Hermione away. "I just want to get out of here."

"I object! He is definitely not safe to be around." Snape definitely didn't want the walking danger in his classroom.

"I say... He goes." Said Dumbledore.
And like that Harry left back to Gryffindor towers to dress up for school.

"Keep an eye on him." He told Ron and Hermione.

"Don't worry we will." Hermione assured.

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